March 21, 2025

VIDEO: Summer Garden Tour – July 2020

Over the past few months I transformed an abandoned lawn into this thriving organic vegetable garden. In this video I’ll take you on the first ever tour of this garden to share some of my favorite summer vegetables and tips on how to grow them.

The following videos show each step in my process of creating this garden over the past few months.

Step 1. Soil Test:

Step 2. Soil Prep:

Step 3. Pathways:

Step 4. Irrigation:

Step 5. Planting:

Step 6. Tomato Trellising:

Step 7. Trellis Build:

Step 8. Fertilizing: (Organic)

Step 9. Fall Garden Prep and Planting

Step 10: Pest Management (Organic)
Coming Soon – be sure to SUBSCRIBE!


The Organic Vegetable Fertilizer I Use:
The Starter Fertilizer I use when planting every plant in my garden:


27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Summer Garden Tour – July 2020

  1. very nicely organized. great tips.

    are you trimming any of the suckers on these tomato plants or are you just letting it grow but keeping everything tucked in the florida weave?

  2. Kyle, just re-watching these because I wanted to understand what you did with top pruning peppers. In your other video it seemed like you did it to all your peppers…but here you say you only do it for hot peppers. Wondering if its because they are hot? Or if its because they are small? Should I top prune my bell peppers or no? What about something like a shishito pepper? Should I top prune those because they are small? Thanks for any advice you might have! 🙂

  3. Great video. I have a question: at the end you mentioned eventually switching to raised beds. Why is that when it appears your in-ground plants are doing so well?

  4. Amazing. I’m bumbling my way through my first vegetable garden here in Arizona, and your videos are helping me figure out how to do it better next year! Great information- thank you!!

  5. You’re a very bright and honest person, and it comes across that way in camera. Your personality is what will keep people coming. Can’t wait to see more of what you’ve been working on!

  6. At the end of this video you said you’re going to make raises planters…. Why build raised planters when your current setup is less expensive, works well and can be reconfigured?

  7. excellent videos and I've learned a ton! California gardening is so much different than Georgia. The heat, humidity, and so on. Anyways, Love how you go through the in depth process of everything! Have you ever had any pests or blights? How did you deal with them?

  8. I have just discovered you and you are now the closest youtuber with reliable content to me. I will have lots and lots of questions in the coming months and years. I live in Cottonwood CA and work in Redding. As a Fire Fighter, I'm sure you are familiar with Redding. I struggle with the health of my soil and my garden suffers due to that. I see that you do not mulch around the base of your plants or over your soil. Have you done this and ruled it out in this climate? I'm finding that it is providing a great home for ants and earwigs but it does really help with water retention. I would love to hear your thoughts.

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