March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Turnips on the Plot #gardeninguk #gardening

We take a look at the turnips in this video. We also plant out a few seeds for some late summer crops.

#turnips #favabeans #zucchini

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13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Turnips on the Plot #gardeninguk #gardening

  1. I watch several gardening videos buy gardeners in the UK. You all seem to grow turnips, but I get the impression you only eat the roots, not the turnip greens. I love turnip greens! Why do you folks seem to avoid them?

  2. Bugger 4th on comments and 30th view… Dropped the ball man. Looks like it was too hot for the turnips. Tunip whisperer lol you T..t 😉 Made me spit my beer. You have twerking bumble bees. Funny I was thinking of trying to get a second onion crop. Nice harvest mate.
    Nanoo nanoo.

  3. I dont think those turnips are that bad Adam. Will not win the Turnip prize or should that be the Turner Prize? who cares, you will get at least a meal out of them not a bad first harvest all round take care Mike

  4. courgette fritters whoop whoop! one of our favourites and yet so far we have not had enough to make any Lol!
    some nice harvests there Adam mate – perhaps the dry weather did not help those turnips, they like to grow quickly.

  5. Looks good to me Adam. I had a good Turnip season this year but I only eat the greens, gave away all the Turnips. Right now Im harvesting tons of Okra. Everything we grow in the garden is a blessing as we seem to have an uncertain future ahead. Great video Adam thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Adam, a nice yield of broad beans. What variety are you growing? I always found Bunyards Exhibition Longpod took some beating. Turnips grown for their tops are sown in late August, early September. Just broadcast seed over a patch of ground and rake in. There was a variety called Green Globe best suited to grow for greens. In recent years I have not been able to find it in seed catalogues. Turnip tops can be an acquired taste! I suspect your turnips might be somewhat woody. Lettuce look first rate.

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