March 3, 2025

VIDEO: How I Avoid Aphids Establishing Themselves in the Summer

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How I Avoid Aphids Establishing Themselves in the Summer

  1. Why not just plant something that attracts lady bugs who will eat the aphids for you automatically and for free? Plenty of plants that do that and still be beneficial to you, like garlic. You need to get a permaculture book sometime 🙂

  2. Wonder if the high-pressure water trick will work on the little nastys I noticed on my zuchinni leaves yesterday afternoon. (Grumble. grumble..)
    Next year, fewer artichokes and fewer summer-squash or a lot more friends not in "lock-down" mentality.

  3. You can also drown them and the kale in a bin then spray the fluid back on the crops after a couple weeks , natural pesticide , I’ve done it for years always works 100%

  4. Curtis, first I have to say you have a great channel and provide a lot of good information for people. I have been an avid vegetable gardener for most of my 70 year lifespan. My late grandmother, also an accomplished gardener, taught me many things about natural pest control. One important part of effective Aphid control is ANT Control. Ants and aphids have a symbiotic relationship. Ants act sort of like Ranchers, they help to establish aphid colonies, and then they "Milk" the sweet nectar the aphids produce. Control the ants with bait of corn syrup and Borax, they will take it back to the nest and it can help to eliminate the colony. Next is a simple pest spray that works on most of the common "Big 5" garden pests, aphids, white fly, thrips, mealy bugs, earwigs, etc. I use full strength, whole milk in a pump sprayer, it can be spoiled or sour, doesn't matter. The milk has Lactose which plugs up the breathing tubes of the critters. Spray it on, wait a day and wash off the dead bodies with a water spray handle on the hose, repeat as needed.

  5. Do you ever have problems with cabbage loopers? I literally can't grow any cruciferous veggies because they are SO BAD here and I'd love to find out what others do organically for this problem that actually works!

  6. I see that cannabis in the background 🙂 so jealous, the US is dragging its feet on letting us grow for personal use. It's the last thing my garden needs!

  7. Can you irrigate with surface water? ( from a creek) I don’t have a well or city water on my farm I’m trying to start so I’ve been carrying buckets of water / using a battery, inverter and submersible pump to move water. First year on the land lots of work to do still hopefully next year I can get some of my own food growing

  8. Hey Curtis, I'm a long time viewer and admirer of your content. I really appreciate all the knowledge and tips you have dropped over the years! You are one of the many reasons I decided to sell my home in the city(Orlando,Fl) and move my family out to the country (Florida-Georgia line area)and start our own homestead 2 1/2 years ago. Its been a MONSTROUS amount of work, and will continue to be, but extremely satisfying! Anyways, I noticed the cannabis plants in the background, and was wondering what stains your grow'n up there?? I am working on my 1st sun-grown batch right now, and dealing a slight insect(thrips&aphids) battle right now myself. Which i expected, being surrounded by woods&nature. Keeping in mind that some of them are in flower and pre-flower, any suggestions on dealing with the pest??

  9. Curtis
    The company that sends out emails are removing backers for complaining about uncompatable emails. Refuse to address and tell subs to "go f themselves " I was a backer of your and will again once you deal with them.

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