So i was gonna make a cool time lapse of carrots growing, but they got attacked by some pesky root maggots and i had to abort before they would spread. Better luck next time i guess.
I apologize if the quality is not a 100%, had to zoom in quite a lot for people on mobile devices to see whats going on.
Let me know in the comments if you got any ideas of what to do next!
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Music: Fabien Tell – Weapon Of Choice
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I felt sad watching this
now I know why my cactus was hollow in the inside
If you feel bad for carrots when maggots eat it.. do you feel bad IF YOU EAT IT
What if this was originally a carrot time lapse but the maggots just went, "yo".
I get a super uneasy feeling watching the Carrot get destroyed while those maggots grow in size…..
Very cool!
Shouldn't of bought your dirt from china
Absolutely brilliant video.
I didn't know youtube allow murder to be posted. :O
The potting mix I've bought got these in them
Oh my poor seeds never grew. Cursed soil.
How to get rid of these root maggots my healthy tomato plant destroyed due to the root maggots and leaf minor
Oh no
epic battle
So cool
ok fuck growing my own carrots
I never knew root maggots are a thing
So why that one and not the other one?
This is one of the reasons why farmers uses insecticide to kill parasites and other unwanted insects.
>_< I found a few of these in my pots for watermelons, any tips on how to prevent?? does neem oil work?
Could you try again and grow carrots? There aren't any other videos showing the actual growth of a root vegetable
can a sprouted plat die from root maggots
Wooow How to stop them?