June 1, 2024

VIDEO: Garden Update and Harvest July 25, 2020

We harvested Roma tomatoes, green beans, and peppers today. It was finally time to say goodbye to the cucumber plants and bush green plants. We removed them and planted some new summer crops.

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update and Harvest July 25, 2020

  1. I have a question about the pine straw. Does it add anything to the soil when it breaks down? Do you ever incorporate it into the soil or always rake it back and put back on top? I know you give a lot of the veg to the chickens, but do you compost any of the stuff you pull up?

  2. Hello Lea- some really great harvests going on there – its always good to re-plant the beds as soon as possible to maximise cropping – garden looks so beautiful as ever
    take care

  3. Great harvest Lea and Al! The garden and yard are looking really good! Just a question….how deep do you plant the purple eyed peas? Are all seeds planted about the same depth or are smaller seeds planted more shallow? You all have an amazing work ethic, and it shows in how nice your place looks and the great harvests you get!

  4. Carmen pepper is my number 1 sweet pepper. I live in the midwest/Great Lakes region, and if you live in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, etc, you have to try them! They are PERFECT for the midwest. They didn't win their All-American Selection for this region for nothing, I promise you! In my experience they have outyielded all contenders by at LEAST 2 to 1 in weight.

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