HIT Hard by Tropical Storm, Tornado, Straight Line Wind Me & Garden
Mycorrhizal list : http://www.rootnaturally.com/PlantListMycorrhizal.pdf
FACEBOOK Page : https://www.facebook.com/iamorganicgardening
Subscribe to My CHANNEL : https://www.youtube.com/user/iamnjorganic
Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAXrKFjs77o .
How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVaFsORKhl8 .
God bless you and keep your safe. Florida crews coming all the way to you, "only in America".
WOW! I'm so happy to hear you, your sons and Lucy are safe and unharmed!
Good Lord. Makes me wonder why they call NJ the garden state.
Wow… sorry to hear about all the weather challenges you’re facing this year!
wow glad your ok
Sorry that happened, thanks for the update.
Take care brother and Pray God protect you and your family
Very glad you made it safely . I know it stings when you work so hard and nature decimates it in the blink of an eye. May God Bless and Keep you and your family .
I understand how tornadoes and straight line winds can do , I live in SW Oklahoma near the I-44 Corridor in the boonies.
After all that stormy weather it is good to see you standing there in one piece and to know your son is ok too! I'm very glad you didn't have a huge amount of structural damage to your place. Be safe and take care of yourself! You have a huge number of people who care about you and your family ! And we appreciate always the effort and caring with which you create such excellent videos!!! Do the things you need to do and know your followers will be here whenever you are able to post updates! You are in our thoughts!
Sorry you got it so hard. We had a beautiful and much needed 2 1/2 inches of rain that came over a 10 hr period. Just right.
Lord blessing you and your son Mark!
Yeah, those storms were pretty widespread throughout the state. I was driving around yesterday after church and I saw MANY downed trees. We had a second part of the tree in the neighbor's yard fall; thankfully, this time it didn't fall on our property. There's just so much damage. It surely will take a long time to get things cleaned up. It's no wonder the local power companies are all backed up.
Stay well, Mark. I hope your gardens recover so you can still get a good crop this year.
I'm so glad you are ok. I'm grateful for and encouraged b your videos! Don't stop.
I thank God you and your son are okay.
Glad you and your son is OK. Stay Safe !
Thanks God everyone is ok.
We hope you will recover fast.
You definitely deserve a blessing…
Thanks for everything
Glad you are all okay, God Bless.
"hit hard by storm+ tornado and powerfull wind" and "thank god" in same video
Stockholm Syndrome XL 
Praise God you’re all safe and sound. Blessings be upon you for a great recovery.
You are all safe, that's the most important part. I see a small solar system in your future, that you can deploy after a storm and use to power a small fridge, freezer, wifi router, TV/radio, and device chargers. Generators are great when you can access fuel, but sometimes the sun is all you've got.
Thank goodness for your Doggy
So glad you , son and the early warning system dog are all ok. Hope the dog got a steak after power was restored. It is amazing how animals always know when severe weather and earthquakes are coming, they can feel atmosphere pressure changes way before we can.
Hope the garden is able to recover.
Can the USDA be of any help financially with grants or loans?
Take care of you, fix the damage and we will be here when you are ready to continue posting video.
We thank God that y’all are okay. Praying for you to get the repairs done
So please to see you are ok Mark , nothing you can do about the weather just pick up the pieces.
I don’t know how you’re so optimistic. This year sucks so bad for you but you still make videos and are working hard.
glad ya'll are ok
Glad you and your son and dog are safe
Hi Mark,
would it be a gain (genetically) to save seed from any plant survivng the weather battering, to help future plants against future weather changes