March 22, 2025

VIDEO: How To Save Tomato Seeds In 2020

Saving Tomato Seeds Is Easy! In this video, I show you the 3 essential steps you need to do to successfully save your Heirloom Tomato seeds for next spring. No more buying them at the store or trying to order from seed houses that are sold out or not selling to the little guys like us!

Its an easy easy process and I’ll show you how to 1) Collect 2) Ferment and 3) Dry your Tomato seeds for storage…and they’ll last for up to 5 years!

Make sure to also check out the Facebook Group Growing, Better. Its for gardeners like you and I where we can all share our garden adventures, successes, and questions. Over 700 members now and everyone is welcome!

#tomatoseeds #savingtomatoseeds #howtosaveseeds

Tomato Growing Series:

Part 1 – Seed Starting:
Part 2 – Seedling Transplanting:
Part 3 – Planting In The Garden:

Growing Tomatoes In Containers:

Re-use Old Potting Mixtures:
DIY Ultimate Potting Mix:

Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better! Perfect for container Tomatoes….grow HUGE ‘Maters!! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

Amazon Canada:
Amazon USA:
Amazon UK:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Tomatoes up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Save Tomato Seeds In 2020

  1. Best gardener for me. Simple, to the point. Now I know why my seeds didn't sprout last time. I shall poo the Napkin method from this day forward. Thanks Garden Buddy.

  2. Thank you, I use a slightly different method, I add water after a few days, rinse off and add more water and leave the water for a few days and rinse once the seeds fall to the bottom, then rinse off again and dry them on aluminium foil.

  3. Great video as always, but I NEVER store seeds in plastic, always paper envelopes due temp changes which may cause condensation in a plastic bag. Has this ever happened to you?

  4. I just found two tomatoes that some birds or other critters munched on (can't blame them, they are tasty tomatoes) but now I realize that instead of tossing those tomatoes like I used to do, I can still harvest the seeds and continue the cycle. Why didn't I think of that before? Thanks for another great video and for getting me to think more like a gardener instead of a 'consumer'

  5. I just let the tomato… get funky….. then squish it on a paper towel, and spread it the seeds out away from each other the best i can. That removes some of the jell. Let them dry totally. Then use my scissors and cut the paper towel in little square or triangles with 2 or 3 seeds on each one. Then i store them in the labeled plastic bag. Planting… i just stuck a piece with the seeds in each growing cell. That worked fine with my store bought red grape and golden cherry tomatoes. They all came up. But we know Cherry tomatoes are a generous veggie is all ways.

  6. I never knew about the water soaking… I did it the very long way! I put the seeds on a paper towel bust the gel packet around each seeds one by one and transfer them to a new piece of dry paper towel… it takes for ever, then they dry there for 2 days, and they don’t stick because the gelatine sac is gone… than I transfer them in a plastic a bag and keep them in a cool dark place. It worked last year and they germinated well … I do about 200-300 seeds of each kind like this… like I said time consuming for sure. I will try your method next time. I have all kind of seeds drying on my kitchen table right now. Lettuce which I have grown to seed pods on the plant, peppers cucumbers and tomatoes…
    This is a great channel, I always learn so much, thank you. Have a great day. And may the Lord keep you and yours safe until He returns. You are in my prayers.

    Let’s all be the light and the salt of the earth by spreading the gospel of salvation so that many can come to Christ … it has absolutely nothing to do with religions or denominations, it has to do with having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are all in need of a saviour…

    The gospel of Salvation is as easy as ABC
    A- Acknowledge that we are sinner and in need of a saviour because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom 3:23) There is no one righteous, not even one. (Rom 3:10)The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom 6:23)
    B- Believe with all our hearts that Jesus is Lord and died for our sins, and that God Has raised Him from the dead and given us this free gift so that we could be saved and have eternal life with Him. (Rom 10:9-10)
    C- Confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord. It is with the heart that one believes and is justified and it is with the mouth that one Confess and is saved. (Rom 10:9-10) All who call on the name of the Lord WILL BE SAVED! (Rom 10:13)
    Please, everyone reading this if you have not accepted Christ in your heart yet, now is the time to do it because time is short, He loves you and He is calling you. Jesus is at the door.

  7. i broke a few of these rules with my glut of yellow pear tomatoes – I used the flesh for chutney and got the gel of like 200 tomatoes collected in a sieve, used luke warm water rinsing over them for several minutes as I gently agitated them with a wooden spoon (so they gently rubbed gel off by hitting the sieve metal wire)

    I then popped out paper towels and made a couple of layers sandwich this mass of seeds and I popped that into a large sandwich bag. every couple of days for about a week I would tip the mass of seeds onto new/dry paper towel.

    they came out bone dry with no visible gel and I had tens of thousands of the things – i don't know the germination rate, I had them come up like grass when I threw fistfuls into my raised beds!

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