December 22, 2024

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: What an Epic Pepper Harvest From Just 12 plants!

  1. Have you heard of 1g, 2g and 3g pruning on pumpkins and other cucurbit plants. If so have you ever done it to help production of pumpkins and melons? Could you explain it.

  2. I am way up here near the border. Lake Superior is still so cold.
    I had used the seeds from red bell peppers from supermarkets. They only gave me green and purple fruits. Weird.

  3. I definitely taste the difference between a green and red bell pepper. They get much sweeter when they turn red. Green is still good though, but there is a difference IMO.

  4. To get red peppers, just cover the row with Agribon row covers to keep the critters out. Ripe peppers are so much better than green that it is worth the effort. I like green peppers, but I love red peppers.

  5. Live in MI as well, every pepper plant in my garden has been producing like crazy this year. Bells, poblanos, hot bananas, habaneros, jalapenos, super chilis, sweet heats, all growing like crazy. Have had a handful of bell peppers as big as grapefruits. All using Luke's methods, core gardening, raised garden beds, all local compost. 1st year using the methods and has been my best year for gardening by far. Thank you so much for the education!

  6. Hey Luke, I noticed some of your pepper plants have black joints. Every year I grow bell peppers the joints of my pepper plants are black and I have no clue what causes it. I'm not sure if it is perfectly normal or a fungal/bacterial issue with the soil? I would love some feedback from Luke or some other fellow gardeners!

  7. Out peppers have done so well this year that even with tomato cages, some of the plants are tipping over from the weight. I have to keep picking almost daily to keep them from falling over.

  8. Greetings from Prince Edward Island, Canada. We have a similar growing season, but our springs are cold and falls warm, but overall the same. A prolific roasting pepper I grew last year was "Jimmy Nardello". Poblano's are over 5' tall here now. I grew the Passila Bajio's last year and wow, they are prolific. My fall Paris Cos is doing well but not my Fall Brocc. The damm cabbage moths still got to it, I had a breach in my floating row cover and they got to it

  9. Hello from Socal. The sweet chocolaty Molé is only one flavor of mole. There are also red, yellow green and orange mole. My personal favorite is a spicy red mole and pipian mole which is an orange mole made from pumpkin.

  10. Been watching for a long time, I should like your videos more. Any who, any reck of jalapeno peppers picking? From the east coast and in starting to see slowly the rip and color..

  11. I think the reason jalapeños are smaller the second time around is just because there are more peppers. I noticed that the second time around some of my jalapeños were smaller and some of them were bigger- the ones that were bigger had their own branch. Maybe you just have to be in a sunnier place to get all large jalapeños the second time around? Or pick some early to get others that are larger.

  12. This year I grow peppers by the name of Big Jim. aka Hatch Chili's. A pepper from New Mexico. I live in Cincinnati. I have to say I am happy with the turn out. They start off very mild than after a while they heat up pretty good. Can't wait to start making a big pots of chill.

  13. I can only do container gardening but I put in for the first time a "Merlot" Pepper plant, the peppers start of green and then turn into a beautiful dark purple. When I cut the first on open it is lime green inside, it is similar in taste to a green pepper but oh so pretty in a salad. I got 3 at the beginning of the season and picked them and now have 9 almost ready to harvest and at least 8 more buds starting.

  14. Dude I'm growing bulgarian carrots for the first time this year as well and the same thing happened to me! Also, how do you really know when a green pepper is ready to pick when it will rippen to a different color? I'm growing hatch green chili peppers and I struggle to determine when to pick them.

  15. All my pepper plants sucked!!. I do not know what is wrong.I did harvest , but lamely.What should I be doing..I can't believe how big and beautiful your plants are. Could it be acid rain?

  16. A bit late to viewing this video but might i also recommend an italian pepper called Jimmy Nardello for growing next year? Its one of my favorites and is absolutely amazing in pastas and on pizza to name only a few great uses for it.

  17. The two peppers you can buy everywhere in Spain are the corno di toro (we call it italian, green or frying pepper) and the lamuyo pepper (we call it regular pepper). The lamuyos are the biggest pepper I know. They are as long as italian peppers but wider and thicker than bell peppers.

  18. Crazy hot peppers are also so tasty for people sensible to the heat, you just need to use them in other ways. If you put a tiny amount with oil on your pan then all the food cooked there can taste like flowers.

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