June 1, 2024

VIDEO: How To Grow Avocado

Growing Avocados, Everyone Can Do It! Earlier in the year we showed you how to sprout an Avocado right at home from a store-bought Avocado fruit. It was easy, although it did take a while to finally sprout and grow.

Now with our Avocado plants around a foot tall and outgrowing their current homes, let’s look at replanting them in larger pots and setting them up for their adult life. We look at pot size, soil type and parameters, as well as general maintenance.

If you’re a garden nut like me and you want to be part of a community that is committed to growing the best backyard veggies, come join us on the Facebook Group page Growing, Better. Its free, you’ll never be sold or advertised anything, and all we ask is that you’re passionate about organic gardening and that you respect your fellow growers!

Join Now!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GrowingBetter/

Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better! Perfect for Avocados….but also nearly any crop you can think of! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3imbLOA
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2ZvWguO
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2CTZQqZ

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Avocados up and running this year! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2xXLfbG
Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aoN1AN
Amazon U.K.: https://amzn.to/2XrQA5A

#avocado #growingavocado #regrow

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Avocado

  1. Have you successfully harvested avocados from the process you're showing now?! Will your onion update be next?! Honestly…I'm eager to see how your onions grew. Every you tube I've watched on "regrowing onions" never shows the updates. All they show is planting them…but no results.

  2. I really like that you always update us on your projects. Most people just leave us to guess whether the project succeeded, or not, at least with plants, so we never know if the method they're showing us really works, or is just a flop that we shouldn't try to repeat. A friend of mine told me if the avocados are refrigerated in the store, they will not sprout. Do you know if this is true? I haven't had luck sprouting them.

  3. I’ve been able to grow two avocado to first leafs. I’ve seen in TikTok that your supposed to cut it (I only did one and made sure it had a mini leaf and it’s starting to grow another stem from the leaf part. Idk if I did good or not) and the other guy has these white things on it’s roots and I have no idea how to fix it or if it needs to be fixed. I also have a few seeds in water, warm water works wonders

  4. Yessir this video is perfect timing for the avocado seedling that I potted a few weeks ago. Since I was on vacation while my dad took care of the seeds in the water and one of them sprouted leaves and he moved it outside. I’m not sure if it was a nutrient issue, but it ended up growing almost 8 inches and there was only a few leaves .75 inches long. I potted it as soon as possible in a standard sized 8” clay terra cotta pot with potting mix and avocado fertilizer granules. It’s been doing better now, although I understand it takes time to have the nutrient pellets fully dissolve into the soil. But although the older leaves from its days in the water had started to turn brown at the ends and wilt off, some of the newer leaves that began forming from tiny growths (as soon as I potted it) were growing a bit slow and the plant seemed to be struggling in leaf production.

    Now I live in cypress, Texas (part of Houston) and if you take a look at the weather over there then it’s very hot and often the sun is harsh, even in mid August.

    Sometimes I take the plant into shade because I am worried that the leaves will get burnt from the intense rays of the sun, and they seem to recover a bit. But then they start to have trouble all over again and o don’t know wether I should just screw it and put it in the full sunlight no matter how harsh the rays are and hope for the best, or should I just keep doing what I do? I know avocados need full sun, but seeing the leaves turn brown every time I leave them in full exposure for a few days panicked me and I get afraid the plant will not recover.

    Pls help if anyone is out there

    Also I forgot to mention that all but one leaf is waxy. I know they are supposed to be waxy and glossy but only one of the small leaf the size of a cubic centimeter is like that and it’s curling dead:(

  5. So how did the avocados grow in the wild long before we roamed the earth and didn’t put the seeds in water cups for 10 weeks? . There’s no way the soil would be constantly soggy even in tropical areas

  6. I don't have compost made yet, so I need names of organic soil to grow organic avocados. Right now, I'm using coconut coir, which doesn't seem to have enough nutrients. Are there any organic soil suggestions?

  7. Hello, I have been growing my avocado seed for 3 months, it took so long to grow because the temperature in these months is very variable in my country. However, I got 6-8 cm of root and stem and 5 days ago I transplanted into a pot.

    It is day 7 from the transplant and I have noticed that some leaves are flaccid with dark edges and some are wrinkled inwards.

    i watered the seed the day of the transplante and the 4th day. Not so much but to maintain the soil humid.

    Do you have any idea whats happened?
    Can you give me any advice to where leave the pot (direct sun, inside the house??) How many times water the pot?? Anything i can do to help the seed would be appreciated.
    thanks for the video its great info!!

  8. Your comment in the previous video about the temp is probably why I can never really get mine past the root sprouting stage. We often have temps well above 85F here (more like 100F), so I probably need to find somewhere inside to grow them. Only problem is I don't have anywhere with sun that fits that bill.

  9. Its time to put my 2 avocado plants in pots. I have a question they said in a video that you could only have fruit if you graft from a tree that have fruit is it true or its just going to take longer.

  10. As a wee lad, as a novelty, I planted a few avocado seed directly into the yard. Some of them sprouted. Exciting. Not all survived. Now that I'm fat, old, and bald – those trees have never flowered. I'm stuck with 20 foot tall trees that do nothing. for anyone who actually wants a tree that produces avocado, and a good avocado, it's best to buy a tree from a nursery. Growing your own is not reliable. Even if the tree sets fruit, you have no idea what kind of fruit it will produce. You could get the "crab apple" version of an avocado tree.

    The other consideration is your climate. How well will these trees do after you plant them into the ground, if you have winter frost? A few months of freezing cold, ice, snow – how will that effect a tropical tree? There's a reason why coconut, pineapple, and banana are not produced in Yakutia.

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