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FIX Common #1 PROBLEM in Building a Raised Bed Garden | Easy | Tall | Strong | Backyard Garden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L03VfXxDJ8&list=UUE0O3PmRSjoiTmpu9m3vvwQ&index=32
I'm thinking that by you using an inexpensive pine board on the bottom, that if this gets rotten over time that it would be easy to replace. It looks like you might be using pine on the bottom and top and fir for the 2 x 10's?
You have awesome videos Man! One day when I will have a property with enough land to do similar things to what you are doing I will be definitely putting this knowledge to use. I have a small property near Moscow but we can only grow stuff here for four months at most this year I grew some tomatoes and they got totally destroyed with black spores they look so strong and healthy I was so amazed
I don't cook with aluminum. I even switch to a natural deodorant because of all the aluminum in antiperspirant. I would be afraid of it leaching into the soil.
Nice hack!
Keep me in the mystery, ok.
I have no garden but keep watching you :=) Thank You For Knowledge Brother!
I'm in 6b Pennsylvania so I can add you to my list of channels that I can learn starting dates for different crops.
Nice. I don't use raised beds. With that said the first part would help my cold frames.
Great tip!
I am experimenting with flaxseed and pine oil to do exactly the same. According to mycologists from the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute in Utrecht, you can grow a fungi that protect against rot in the wood using different oils. There are several experiments done on the subject, and the result is a bit different in different climazones. It make sense that there are natural ways to protect wood that is not toxic, for some reason it is probably so simple and cheap, it has been forgotten/suppressed, just like most natural ways of healing the soil and body.
I'm looking forward to following you through this raised box beds series up ahead. At the end of this video you said that in the next video you're going to be showing us how to fill the beds with free materials. Here is my question ahead of time that you might consider addressing in this next lesson:
If we're in the business of "building soil" in order to have the most mineral rich soil that is filled with living organisms to make our vegetables more nutritious how can we do that with store bought peat moss, perlite, and compost? The reason for asking this is that most of the people I've seen on youtube who are building the boxed beds are buying things from the store to fill them.
I wish Elaine Ingham had an opinion about your method.
Can I suggest a more-durable alternative? Concrete test cylinders! They are a standard 8" diameter x 12" high. Stand them vertically, each touching, along the bed's perimeter. The cylinders are gotten FREE from any Testing Company, for every commercial concrete pour has to have its placed concrete tested. The labs run destruction tests on a random number, to check compressive strength. Those unused are sent to landfills. Hope this helps. Wood is just too precious (& expensive) to "waste" on those similar raised bed perimeters. Lots of ReUsed alternatives, instead of wood. Please!
good idea!
Aluminium has been found to be carcinogen, so why uses it in your beds? Aluminium is used in women deodorants!
This is fabulous! We want to build raised beds and will use your advice. Hugs
big news … https://scitechdaily.com/researchers-surprised-after-they-graft-tomato-plants-with-epigenetically-modified-rootstock/
Hi Mark,
I've got this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj-SvEqYEmQ in my notifications but the video has been removed by the uploader. Will it be re-uploaded? Cheers,
I am building a very tall 3' raised bed out of pallets so that my 90 yo parents can garden without having to get down on their knees. Wood rot has been a concern but I'm not sure it would be so easy to coat the inside or bottom of sides with foil as its not all flat edges…too bad for me.