March 26, 2025

VIDEO: An October Harvest on the plot

It’s time to visit the plot and harvest the remainder of the vegetables. It’s been a good growing year but it’s time to dig over the plot and start to prepare the beds for next year.

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#Octoberharvest #Fallharvest #Wintervegetables

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: An October Harvest on the plot

  1. I enjoy the advice to new gardeners. We are trying to set up an area 3 times the size as the last plot, out of a grassy field. If you try to achieve what you see in your mind, in only a few visits… are setting yourself up for failure. Pick away, and stick with it. Giving up has helped absolutely no one…..ever. Not a bad harvest pal, that would feed a fella for a decent amount of time:)))

  2. Hi Adam, Good to see you enjoy working your plot and always seem happy with the various crop yields. Which is what having an allotment is all about. I would say that having such light soil, a hardy winter green manure broadcast over the dug ground would benefit the soil no end.

  3. Hi Adam, Good to see you back. Little and often is the way to go. Those were not obviously magic beans otherwise when you clicked your fingers your beds would have been dug. Keep trying buddy and stay safe over there. Cheers -Aussie Keith.

  4. Looks like you got a lot of good stuff out of your plot Adam. Im finally seeing my potatoes popping up. I have red, purple and russets. I put a lot of bunching onion bulbs in too. Hope to get some greens in this week. Good to see you again and thanks for another great video.

  5. I kind of want to see you try starting seeds by the winter sowing method. You take a clear plastic bottle. Cut it in half and drill holes in the bottom. Then fill with moist dirt and plant seeds. Water and then duct tape it shut and leave the lid off. Then put it outside until spring when it germinates.

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