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What a great sweet potato harvest,such willing helpers.Plenty of good meals to be enjoyed.D
This video made my day. Love your boys in the background and helping you. Very sweet moments. Awesome that they get excited about where their food comes from. We all need some of that.
So many hugs to your family.
My parents watch your videos all the time because my family has a garden! I really like your garden videos too!
watching this as I’m canning sweet potatoes! Not my own but 37 cents a lb at the grocery store!
Cut the tops off you can see better
I was born and raised in the Virgin Islands and we don't do daylight savings. I've lived in MO for years and I still hate it. Boo.
Such sweet boys enjoy them while they are still young. There is something about boys that make a mama's heart melt.
My heart melted at 10:20 when he said “here mom” jumping right in there to do the pulling for his momma♥️♥️ sweet sweet young lads gonna be some beautiful men one day!
Kids + gardening with mom = priceless memories
Thank you so much for these videos that you do God bless you all for my family to yours thank you
I feel like Benjamin is the best gardener of the kids. Maybe it's because he's younger but in all your videos he seems to be the one that wants to help and it's the most helpful.
Great haul.. lovely to see your boys having so much fun helping..
Wow the team work, the harvest, all beautiful
That's a rock. I love it
I enjoy these harvest vidoes
Why would you want to dig them all up at the same time and not as needed?
What a wonderful mom and those boys are the best harvest ever and of course wonderful sweet potato harvest. Blessings to you and your family
Your boys are so adorable and helpful , and funny.

I love how much you accomplish in the midst of the chatter between your children. It’s a dream setting to watch your patience while they’re all being themselves without being so limited by a world they haven’t agreed to be regulated by yet. I honestly love your grace and peace over this channel and life.