March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Digging for Treasure with MY BOYS (Harvesting Sweet Potatoes) | VLOG

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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Digging for Treasure with MY BOYS (Harvesting Sweet Potatoes) | VLOG

  1. This video made my day. Love your boys in the background and helping you. Very sweet moments. Awesome that they get excited about where their food comes from. We all need some of that.

  2. What a wonderful mom and those boys are the best harvest ever and of course wonderful sweet potato harvest. Blessings to you and your family

  3. I love how much you accomplish in the midst of the chatter between your children. It’s a dream setting to watch your patience while they’re all being themselves without being so limited by a world they haven’t agreed to be regulated by yet. I honestly love your grace and peace over this channel and life.

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