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This is the first time that I’ve come across your devotionals oh my word Jess wow. Just beautiful magnificently well spoken thank you for sharing thank you. And I know I’ve said it before but I hang onto the very end for your blessing he just does something in me thank you for that and thank you for your obedience
God is good.
Oh my word, I have going in tomorrow to start radiation and chemotherapy treatments and "stumbled" across this video. Thank you for speaking the words God laid on your heart. Thank you for recording them so I could find them 5 months later. Thank you. God used you to help still some of my fears!
Thank you so much. I have no idea what this is going to mean for me yet, but this video definitely went with some of the prayers I had last night. I just wasn't expecting this at all.. Also, very ironic ("Godsidence" much, as we call it), that my oldest daughter and I just watched Sweet Home Alabama (the movie you are remembering that has Reese Witherspoon in it). I wish I could tell you more if it could bless you in the same way your words have blessed me. Your gardening videos have also been a huge help to me and my husband. Thank you so much for sharing.
I needed that today, 5 months after you put this up. God knew
Beautiful! And timely!
I started following you a few months ago. I missed this one at first. God brought it to me at just the right moment. I’ve been stuck in trying to earn the blessings He’s given me. What a word of encouragement and love for me today. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Works without faith is dead, works without love is phariscitical! Powerful! This is so what has been on my mind and heart lately.
Jess ….. I am so Happy to have just seen this video …. I'm still catching up with all of them when I get a Chance. This too is the way I feel about God and is my personal way that I see God and talk to him . It is True …. He wants a Personal Relationship with each of us. This is the 1st. Time I'm feeling there are more of us out there . Through Him … All Things Are Possible. He proves it to me Everyday ! Today He has Blessed me and Confirmed it … I found this video. Love Your Channel . May God Continue to Bless You All and Keep You All Happy , Healthy and Strong .
Thank you!!!!!!! This has so blessed me! I’m new to your channel and have subbed. I started a channel too but lost my desire after Covid hit. I took up gardening and God has truly been meeting me in my garden. I don’t know that I’ll ever return to YouTubing but am so thankful to have found your channel and your devotionals because I’ve been having a hard time getting into His word. So much of this has convicted me and made me feel so much better.
Oh, Jess… I was first introduced to Christ Jesus when I was seven years old. I knew that He loved me and I knew that He was absolutely willing to save me. Over the course of my life, everything has been so difficult, there has been so much sickness, so much pain, so much hatred coming against me and sometimes being reciprocated, so much failure, so much drama. Then, this year, at the age of 44, God combined your videos with a sermon from the church we just joined this year and my whole mindset changed and I finally saw the love of God and truly believed that He loves and forgives me every single minute of every day. I didn't know that He actually loved me… me… how can that be? But, its absolutely true and I've shed so many tears over that fact. God loves me! I'm finally free. I'm finally at peace. I'm allowed to enjoy my life, my family, my church and my garden. I'm loved. I'm free. Praise Jesus!
dang this message translates on so many other levels… levels of other religions and spiritualities of any kind – it translates so basic but so specific in each one's life. Thank you Jess, you are truly amazing and shine such bright light.
Watching and hearing your message. Feeling akin to the brokenness and condemnation that comes upon us when our self guided attempts at pleasing the Father wear us out. I’m so touched and blessed by you. You are His glory Jess, and you touch my heart so often. Thanks for letting us tag along.
Your ministry is right where you are. The people that come on your farm are the ones you are to minister to. Your youtube channel is your ministry. This has brought me so much joy! God has told me to have a vegetable garden for several years now and I’m just starting. I have learned so much from you and am so blessed, as I am sure many others are, with what you share, from instructions and advice to what is in your heart. This is a beautiful testimony and I LOVE what you share!!! Thank you for your obedience and your beautiful heart!
I love all of your videos but the devotionals speak directly to my soul. You are such a natural and eating healthier has been a huge part of my life the last few years. At 60 Im finally getting my health priorities of body, mind and spirit into aliengment.
This was really amazing. You reached me especially in the part talking about serving god through being a good steward to the gifts you are blessed with. Your children and farm and garden . I especially have to change my mindset to enjoy these gifts instead of that mindset that comes up as everything being work. We have to let ourselves enjoy the gifts we are given!
I miss your devotionals. Please come back to it. I love your perspective and loving nature in these videos. I love watching your videos, but these are such a connection to my soul.
Beautifully said god bless yall
Ministry is what you have to do if it is given to you like you hearing of learning people to grow food. Just know that your channel is what my husband motivated to grow his one food in the little garden we have. So I hope this is a motivation to you to go on. And know that I go pray let me know LORD what you want me to do; thank you for being so open. Thank you sister in believe. G'D BLESS you From Inge Noordam (the Netherlands/Europe)
I am a new channel subscriber. This devotional and some of the other videos I have watched, where you speak of the Wild Things of God….girl!!! I am getting CHILLS! Fulfillment of your dreams. Teaching to grow food as your testimony and ministry….listening to the Holy Spirit. I have even more love for this channel now. I will continue to share!
Thank you for doing this video, Jess! I'm new to your channel (and loving it!) and just found this devotional. I am on a healing journey, and this is the message I needed to hear right now. I'm grateful you listen well and obey.
This message brought me to my knees. It is exactly what I needed. I've listened to two of your other devotionals this week that spoke to directly to my current relationship with God and this one was the answer to the question I've been fighting with God over the past few years- leaving my career that is serving so many people and letting them down in exchange for what I have seen as a less worthy job that really delights my heart (raising goats ironically). I've had letters to my clients addressed for weeks and just couldn't bring myself to send them. Thank you for your faithfulness in doing what God has called you share
O this has spoke like directly to my heart!
Thank you so much. I really needed this, this Word has touched upon my heart so strongly and I thank you for it. God bless your heart and your family.
Months and months later God is still using this devotional. HE IS SOOOO GOOD!!! I've been so heart sick similarly to how you're describing… thinking I need to be doing more in "ministry". I have a house full of people, 9 ppl to be exact.. some of them being my one year old & 2 eleven year olds. I clean after everyone, cook, and take care of our garden. I needed to be told (or reminded) that my family and our garden IS His glory. Thank you thank you thank you for your devotionals. They just bless me so much. Ive just been boo hooing. Thats the exact message the Lord knew I neeeeded to hear.
Almost a year since you posted this and it touched absolutely every point of my life to a T. I just started watching your videos maybe a month ago after I moved two hours away from my hometown to have the homestead of my families dream. Although I had to leave some of my closest relatives I have felt like this is what I'm meant to do. We have two toddlers that are 16 months apart and we needed to give them a simpler life( which it isn't that simple just less political correctness). I didn't even realize that I was already doing his work by teaching my children to be self sufficient and to love him.
I also needed to look at my why. To take a step back and realize that my dreams are not falling into place just because we work so hard at it. Honestly the process of getting to this point was a breeze after we followed our hearts and listened and took the scariest jump of my life. I realize now that it was all planned and a part of our on going blessings.
The funny thing is that I got dairy goats a week ago and the only reason I picked this video was because of the title. I thank you so much as I wipe my weepy eyes for the understanding and realization that I am doing what he is telling me too. You really have a gift of teaching no matter the subject.
you are better than any preacher i have ever heard,.and i have heard alot in my 66 years . you have truly spoke to my heart. you made me cry… thank you Jess.