March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Planting Garlic and Harvesting Peppers (STILL!) | VLOG

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Garlic and Harvesting Peppers (STILL!) | VLOG

  1. I planted garlic for the first time like a week or so ago in north mo like south Iowa. Ill let u know on your end of season harvest if it works. Im trying the 3 sisters also this coming yr

  2. Glennon Doyle reminds us "we can do hard things" in her book Untamed. Its an excellent read!

    Love Bear inspecting your garlic spacing. So many great helpers in this video.

  3. Zach Stivers told me to plant garlic last year. Well, in a video he said plant garlic now. I chuckled because I did not have any garlic to plant. I posted to my neighbors that I had store bought minced garlic and was transferring some from one jar to another and broke the glass. I was just fussing online due to ruining the bit of garlic we had and my older daughter had bought this garlic. Well, a neighbor talked to another neighbor and some person dropped off a basket of cloves. I pealed two quarts and poured honey over the cloves in quart jars to eat whenever cold symptoms came along. I did not expect the foaming as the garlic fermented in the honey. I keep from getting congested now by eating the garlic cloves soaked in honey. I had 150 cloves left after I gathered as many as I knew how to preserve. So, I planted each clove in every garden space I had. We live an hour from Cleveland Ohio and get a snowy, frozen ground winter here. I covered some of the garlic cloves with two layers of plastic totes whenever the weather was below freezing. The raised garden next to the covered garlic had just as many cloves and I did not do anything to protect the second garden. The plants grew the same size in both gardens. So, the variety I grew did very well here. The effort I put forth to protect some of the garlic was not needed. That surprised me. The garlic turned out to be hard neck garlic, since every plant grew a scape. I grilled them, sauted them and could have brought dozens of them to our local produce shack if I had cut them when they were smaller and tender. The first batch of mature garlic I harvested I scrubbed all the dirt off and they were clean and white. Someone told me not to wash the garlic, so the rest of the garlic did not get washed. The garlic that I left in the ground too long started to disintegrate. Once the green stem dries up and begins to turn brown is a good time to harvest.

    Jess, you said to plant lettuce and so I planted lettuce. When some of the plants that we did not harvest bolted, I let them go to seed. Now, we are getting more lettuce in November, because I let the lettuce go wild. It was difficult, since it is rather scraggly and ugly. Free food without work is my kind of gardening. Honey Creek Farm has inspired me to add 500 feet of 30 inch wide market garden beds. This adventure is going to feed us quite well.

  4. I always forget to buy garlic until its too late and can never find it. I've grown garlic from store bought garlic the last 2 years in a row. I never get 100% of them to grow but most definitely more grows then not. Better then none in my opinion, lol.

  5. You can 100% grow store bought trash garlic. I started with that bc of necessity and over the last three years have kept the largest and best to reseed with and now have my own, area-hardy-specific strain. Am in ~zone 6b in the Ozark mountains on the MOARK border.

  6. I've grown it…..I had some sprout in my cupboard and said, "What the heck, I'll just bury it and see." Well, it grew and I leave it to weather all year round in Mississippi(Central)…..It's doubled a dozen times and now I have wayyyyyyy too much garlic. So, Yeah, it grows.

  7. My understanding is that onions grown from plants are better for big onions. If grown from sets they are more apt to bolt since they are biannuals and are in their second year. It would be interesting to do an experiment to see the difference.

  8. I'm in Colorado (zone 5b) and I plant garlic from October 1 – November 1(Gurneys ships late, and I usually forget I ordered it when I get a bunch more in the mail!) . We usually have a couple of cold spells, but still getting some very nice days up to mid-December. The ground doesn't freeze here until about January.

  9. Keene Garlic in Wisconsin is probably not sold out. I ordered from them and they have a PLETHORA of varieties. They are who Martha Stewart orders from. : )

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