March 5, 2025

VIDEO: A Brief Adventure (Girls weekend in Southern California) | VLOG

Natalie (Hey Its a Good Life):
Jill (Whispering Willow Farm):

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Brief Adventure (Girls weekend in Southern California) | VLOG

  1. You're in my beautiful backyard! We love CA so much; the redwoods, the beaches, the mountains, growing year round, etc. Glad you had fun and safe travels back home!

  2. I have been to that beach …I lived in San Diego 17 years My son lives in San Diego County so I go yearly… so awesome to see it I spent 17 years out there. Funny story I only community gardened there because I could not afford the WATER true story. I had to fence and Lock my allotment because people would come at night and steal the food. I said YES and the LORD gave me a 2600 mile journey and I am so joyous now to produce food on a real plot of land across the country. At least if you run low on Rosemary and Sage in SoCal you can wild harvest it.

  3. Giving me hope that this coming spring I can build my own beds! I always leave that kind of stuff to my husband… realistically he just so busy running the 3 farms we manage and a mill we both run I just don’t want to put one more thing on his plate. So glad to have followed Jess on her California trip!! You all blessed my day… although I’m probably 30 years older then ya’all I still have the dream and desire!!

  4. Love Jimbo's…wow, you were in Escondido! Sorry about the rain, but boy did we need it however, I wish you sweet gals would have had a sunny day on the beach. I'm so glad to find Natalie 'cause she is close by and knows our climate well. I am so blessed by you and now Natalie and Jill, Art and Bri. You relate and encourage all ages, I'm 73 and going strong and loving my blessed life and my blessed garden. Love your devotionals. I pray for your family often.

  5. So happy you young women are as wise as you are! At your age I had my mind on wasted things. I am 61 now and finally started gardening on a bigger scale 2 years ago. Oh how I wish I had started when I was your age! By the way Jess…try planting a lemon tree in your high tunnel!

  6. This warms my heart! Just moved to a 7 acre property on The Big Island, HI. I have big dreams that don’t seem possible sometimes at all.. Looking at it one step at a time is the key I belieeeve. Thank you all three for giving me and people like me hope..

  7. I know I'm late to the party, but I started from the beginning and this is where I am now. I'm so glad you went to Natalie's house. I watched her worm bin video when I was dabbling in gardening and I couldn't find her again. When you showed the worm bins in the back, I knew I found her. I feel blessed. I subscribed so I wouldn't lose her again.

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