March 13, 2025

VIDEO: How to Transplant Water-Rooted Cuttings Without Killing Them (Foolproof)

Houseplant propagation can be tricky, especially when you spend so much time rooting your water propagations, only to transplant and have them die off in a week or so. So deflating! Here’s my foolproof method for successful transplanting. It’s worked for me every time. The most important part is the high humidity and part shade after you transplant to let your cuttings establish themselves.

0:00 – Intro
0:43 – Water-Rooted Cuttings 101
2:20 – Close-Up of Roots
3:56 – Soil & Pot Selection
5:02 – Transplanting Process
8:21 – Watering
9:51 – Post-Transplant Care

SPONSOR: Espoma Organic

Espoma Organic has been organic from the start and makes absolutely epic potting mixes, and organic fertilizers. Their Organic Moisture Mix is perfect for transplanting rooted cuttings:


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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Transplant Water-Rooted Cuttings Without Killing Them (Foolproof)

  1. How long are the newly potted plants in their shock period? Also how long do the newly potted plants need to be by a humidifier? I have coleus that are ready to be potted and looking to move them outside when spring weather rolls around–I'm in Houston. Once I move them outside, will they survive the warm weather?

  2. Thanks for a very helpful video. I do wonder… I have a bunch of coleus cuttings in water that I want to transplant outside. What is the best way to do that transition? Would you need to put them in a pot inside first to grow roots, or could they go straight outside from the water medium as long as you keep watering them while they grow?

  3. This is so helpful! Thank you 🙂 question – I recently transplanted some cuttings and was less than graceful about placing the roots. E.g., didn't back fill, it was more of a cramming situation. Would you recommend I take them out and reposition? It's been about a week since I put them in soil.

  4. If I don't have a humidifier and I leave in a dry place with radiators and not that bright, could I place the newly-potted ones in my bathroom – which is small and gathers A LOT of steam during showers- for the first, say, two weeks?

  5. I find Satin Pothos can take a while to root but giving them a good amount of indirect sun light while they're rooting in water really helps speed up root growth.

  6. thank you for the tips! I had a very healthy root system of my monster deliciosa from water prop, but after transporting it to soil (potting mix + perlite), soaking it and adding humidity, it became root rot. It was devastating, do you have any tips on how to prevent this? not packing the soil too much or anything? TY~

  7. If you want healthy roots you should dip your cuttings in a clone x rooting hormone gel That'll fix your ugly root problem If it doesn't, it's because your water is too hot for the roots or too cold. But lean on the cold side so there is more oxygen present in the water. 🙂 I only plugged the brand because they've got a gel that really doesn't wash off in the cloner and I think their is some level of nutrients in it as well but the salts in it don't burn the plant because "salt" is just the name for the shape of the molecule and if you use a "plant based nutrient" the molecules are broken down literally 1,000X smaller than from raw resources. This provides the cutting with everything the plant needs while reducing stress on the plant especially if the cutting is from a mother plant because even though its just a small piece of plant, it's genetically matured as an adult.

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