June 27, 2024

VIDEO: 6 Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide On Plants And In Your Garden

Hydrogen Peroxide And Plants? Yes, H2O2 has many benefits in your garden ranging from a disinfectant for garden tools and pots and work areas, to an anti-fungal and pest control powerhouse spray. Its uses are many, which is why Hydrogen Peroxide should be in any gardener’s tool belt!

In this video we’ll cover what exactly Hydrogen Peroxide is, why gardeners love it, as well as the 6 benefits that it can have to help your organic garden grow, better!

If growing a fall garden full of delicious organic veggies for you and your family is something you’re passionate about, consider joining our Facebook Group called “Growing, Better”. We talk about everything from organic pest control, to even making your own fertilizer from weeds! Everyone is welcome and its one of the fastest-growing communities online. Share, learn, GROW!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GrowingBetter

Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for large single plant crops like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, and even Garlic! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3imbLOA
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2ZvWguO
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2CTZQqZ

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your garden up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2xXLfbG
Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aoN1AN
Amazon U.K.: https://amzn.to/2XrQA5A

#hydrogenperoxide #plants #gardening

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: 6 Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide On Plants And In Your Garden

  1. former hairdresser…i have peroxide in my cupboards (as i colour myown hair) may i asl the vol/percentage of safe use in my garden…also will it rid rodents? please and thankyou

  2. Throw your empty beer cans in your garden to control Slugs.
    The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles.

    Eccentricity; 240,000 year rotation of the galactic bulge,

    Obliquity 60,000 years between Aphelion Ice age and Perihelion tropical age

    Precession 26,000 cycle every 12,000 years our solar system crosses over our galaxies electromagnetic gravitational plane for a 1,000 years causing EMP plasma bursts (pillars of Fire), Oort cloud comets, and global east to west cataclysmic Mud Flood Tsunami deluges.

    Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon an inconvenient truth.

    The Baby Boomers who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass from the usual suspects of seasonal Flu which leads to pneumonia and old age.

    The Covid MASK of the BEAST to BUY or SELL is a pretext for the Heavy metal vaccine of the BEAST combined with 5G microwave oven towers depopulation FINAL SOLUTION before the Great Year Resets to planet with E-W Tidal waves.

    China's "One Child policy" in western christian democracies is Abortion, LGBTQ, Euthanasia, Sterilization, Sex changes and anti children propaganda etc.

    BLM/ALM is a divide and conquer humanity by race creed and religion.

    Jesus loved all races because there is only one race, the HUMAN race with only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human. Slave is equal to master. Love your neighbor like your brother, because he is your brother in the human race.

    Jesus had FAITH in HUMANITY, it is time for HUMANITY to have faith in themselves and JESUS or be condemned to the BIT-HU-MAN pits of hell only to be released by fire.

    We all came from our mothers as equals. We are all the sum of our life's experiences and teachings.

    Grade 5 science could debunk CO2 caused climate cycles. Cause and effect and closed loop.

    Temperature is rising first and CO2 follows as the Arctic thaws due to Obliquity and Precession.

    Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All EM energy comes from and or returns to the electromagnetic double torus we call the galactic Nucleus/Bulge.

    Earth is a closed CO2 loop

  3. Life is always beautiful when you have good health.i have be in pain for almost two years had HSV 1 and I was lonely and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind and Great doctor called Dr Ben Uda on YouTube who helped me cure my HSV 1 and today I'm free from the virus and very healthy thank you so much Dr Ben Uda on YouTube ..

  4. I would add a drop of a biodegradable surfactant to break the surface tension of the water you are mixing in. Will cause the mix to thoroughly cover what you pour, or spray it on.

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