June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Planting Allium Bulbs #gardening #alliums #allotment

Today on Allotment Grow How we plant out some spring flowering allium bulbs . These bulbs will grow into lovely statuesque plants and they produce big, showy flower heads attracting lots of pollinators to your garden. They can also be used as lovely cut flowers in a floral display.
Easy to grow, this video tutorial takes you through the simple steps of planting these allium bulbs, so you can create a cottage garden effect in your borders at home. This is the ultimate guide on how to plant allium bulbs in your garden.

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#howtoplantalliumbulbs #alliumbulbs #springbulbs #cottagegarden

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Allium Bulbs #gardening #alliums #allotment

  1. I love allium I have them around my allotment and of course also the bees and wildlife love them as well. Your bulbs were huge OMG they are big boys can not wait to see the results

  2. Hi Adam, As Alliums, when planted, should be covered with soil to twice the diameter of the bulb, your spades depth looks about right. I understand florists like to spray the seed heads with paint and use in floral displays.

  3. Hi Adam, I seen allium in flower on my last trip to the UK. I'd live to grow them here but far too hot( 42 degrees today in Syd). t hey should look real good next April / May. Cheers.

  4. If you've enjoyed this video please hit the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON as it's free and costs you nothing. Also please press the BELL ICON to be notified when each new video is uploaded. Welcome to both old an new subscribers…. Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment – Cheers Adam (Allotment Grow How)

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