How to Use ORGANIC FERTLIZER for any Plants, Vegetables, Tomato. Understanding Microbes
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Feed coffee grounds to your worms for Nitrogen. Adding too much N hurts plants and the environment. Add amino acids made by worms from N and get healthier plants.
Another Informative vid!
Mark just keep it up , I watch a lot of market gardeners and off girders videos , they mostly miss the point of growing food for Animals, they eat more than can be grown, I was raise on a farm and we try to grow every thing for the animals, COST,, there some thing lost with these new growers, but that's life vegetables off the farm is the best , meat second !! They will learn the hard way ,, Hope this makes scent!
i am making leaf mold. i put down a healthy layer of shredded leaves, a couple handfuls of dirt from the forest floor, a couple handfuls of mulch with chicken manure, water and repeat….
Am i changing the process from fungal to bactrerial by adding those small amounts of additives?
YouTube unsubscribed me from my favorite gardening channel. Can't believe they're censoring my gardening as well.
Hi Mark! Thanks for the great lesson. Two questions 1. Are fertilizers/amendments necessary if the bed has had living root all winter long via cover crops? 2. I thought that applying fertilizers like Dr. Earth is not recommended because plants gravitate to them and don't partaker as much in the soil biology. Thanks again Ariel
Very interesting. I'm close to starting my first by garden. I use to constantly tend to my lawn, but I can't eat my grass. So, I'm thinking of cutting my lawn very short, in my garden area add cardboard, then lawn waste, tree waste from my city, add in other compost, organic material, and let this break down until spring when it's time to start planting. Does this sound like a decent approach? Thanks
Mark Thank you for your videos. I have planted winter rye & clover in my three gardens. I have 50 feet of leaves that was 4 feet high. I have turned it over with a fork 3 times. I have built your worm bin. I have put wood chips around my gardens. I have ordered seeds from Johnnys. I am trying to make leaf mold for potting mix. I am still unsure of the next steps. I will keep watching
Great info. Thanks!
Excellent info!
Hello! What do you think about starting seeds in 100% worm castings? Thank you so much and stay safe.
Hey I have Used cheap “toole” cloth for the tomato covers. Kept the birds off the sides and at ground level. They will still land on top and poop!
I Lay out porous rubber mats to warm ground up early spring then remove to plant! A cover a 25 by 25 pretty easy! Then I used them to suppress weeds on path ways!
Why is there such a difference in the NPK between the two worm castings products? Thank you.
I’m learning so much from you.
I am trying to do organic gardening . We got mushroom compost and garden soil but I w as gifted rabbit manure in 50 lb bags last year for each of my raised beds I did all kinds of things mixed with the soil and mushroom. I added a whole bag of rabbit manure to each 3x7x12 plus the other soil and compost, along with worm castings etc. now I’m still growing cabbage ,leeks broccoli abutsoon within a month or so I should harvest all cabbage. And I’m wondering if I should get more rabbit manure for this year, as I believe it is available to me again this year . I have dr earth , and I was using Kellogg’s organic raised bed mix., just want to be ready for zone 8 spring planting 4/15 or after
Thanks for the education!
I heard that if you put a bird bath or other water, the birds will not make holes in your tomatoes. Seems to work well for me. But squirrels, well that is another story…one bite out of each tomato, or maybe they steal several whole tomatoes if they are small (green ones too). WCS trap for them.
I hope you can do more of these.
The doctors earth is good lol need another bag mine from 2 years now almost done great stuff
That's true we all connected by nature
Very informative. Nice video.
I found agro thrive liquid organic its predicated fish
I just looked up beneficial nematodes and don't know who to trust. You can't see the darn things. How do you know your really getting the product? They are expensive.
Wonderful explanation. Thank you very much! This is so helpful it should be recommended to every beginning gardener.
this is extremely helpful to me as a novice. thank you kindly for a great informative video, getting right to the point quickly.
Great luck with dr earth products in containers. I usually give a dose of liquid kelp & molasses when watering after the first time. Idk of it helps. I do know my plants look great. I'm not afraid to experiment but I've also lost plants bc I've tried something new.