June 8, 2024

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Save Parsley Seed – A Seed Saving Guide

  1. It’s summer here in Australia and I’m waiting for mine to get to where I can harvest. Can I just drop the seeds directly back to the soil or do I have to do the whole drying process before I put it on the soil?

  2. i had a slew of swallow tail caterpillars eat all my parsley/seed before it matured this year. i apparently harvested a bunch of it right before the caterpillars hatched and they finished off what i left to go to seed.

  3. I have parsley I planted in a sunny spot and it went to seed quickly. I wasn't sure when to harvest it, but now I know, thanks for the tip.
    I also planted parsley in a shady spot, it hasn't gone to seed and has been giving us plenty of parsley.

  4. Someone please help. My parsley has bolted and I wanted to collect the seed. But when I follow his advice all the seed just looks like granules of sand (not seed like the video) what’s going on? Have I done something wrong?
    Thanx guys!!!

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