Winter is the perfect opportunity to create more water storage for your vegetable garden. Being able to hold more water increases your resilience and security, especially when this like drought occur. In this video I show you how to create a low-cost water storage system, using my method as an example. There are so many ways of going about setting up water storage, and I feature 2 different methods, depending on the size of garden that you have.
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Thanks for watching! For those of you asking about algae: empty every year helps, and you can use effective things like barley straw logs, or keep covered
Video uploads will be a bit more random on the lead up to Christmas! If you fancy treating someone to signed copies of my books you can get them here (with a discount if you buy both):
Hi Huw! I'M from Croatia and i have discovered Your videos few weeks ago. They are very good and i have learned much from them. I also have an idea to try to cross two very very old apple varyeties that grows near my town. I have never done this before so wish me luck. They are so tasety and have good genetics, both of them are more than 50 years old and i can't wait to see what that new variety would be like.
Do you have any trouble with algae in your tanks?
你好,我是中国的看到你 视频很开心。可以留个联系方式吗
Should I leave tanks open or covered? I see yours are covered but that must limit rain collection. What are the considerations with each?
Great video but where did you get the IBC tanks for that price please. We got 2 reconditioned ones for £75 each. New ones are £200 ish. My husband is distressed as he searched high and low for cheaper price.
I really appreciate your videos on how not to be overwhelmed by the garden. It is difficult to fit everything in often with work, even at the moment. I have had a break from the plot for a couple of months but am getting slightly more enthusiastic now Christmas has passed. Roll on no dig potato planting. Thankyou. Julia and Benjamin the schnauzer.
Stand still, getting sea sick : ))))))
Hey Huw you should think of hydro electric/water turbine. You should look into it for added electricity for your farm. This is just a thought because you have a slope and there is a creek.
I have been thinking some years to buy IBC's and this year I must do it!
great video!
What happens when they fill up is there an overflow spout ?
Hey Huw, I've been a subscriber for a long while (just re-watched one of your videos from 7 years ago, you've done a fine job! All the best from Ireland
Hi Huw, do you have any concerns with IBCs leaching plastic?
I like your system. My irrigation is pumped and filtered well water- and the flow rate is iffy. So that leaves me with rainwater harvesting. The twin issues there are filtering and rigging something up that my spouse can tolerate the looks of! When I pointed out the IBC tanks in one of your other videos I got a look.
We put our pipes, between each tote, near the bottom instead of at the top. That way they ALL fill up at the same time. We also have them up on cider blocks, so that the water pressure coming out is higher. Hope that helps.
I have just got my first IBC which I have placed at the top of my long garden. I have a smaller butt filling off my house guttering with a submersible pump that then pumps it to the IBC through a hosepipe.
I want to increase the number of IBCs and I really like your idea of coupling them together at the tops with some large diameter water pipes. How did you manage to get the back nut onto the coupling in the side of the tanks?
Of course could link them at the outlets but then all tanks would fill at the same time!
Thanks Ian
Not too long ago IBC tanks would go for 10 euro… they go up to 40
Now you understand why Bill 'Hates' bought most of his land around water sources, main rivers and lakes . He is the 3rd private landowner in the US. If you control the water, you control the food chain, thus the world.
I couldn't clear the algae and painting them just seemed to get hot and wash off. I gave up, because I wasn't happy taking water off a felted garage roof anyway, god knows what I was putting on the garden. Probably tiled roof water and an underground 2500 gallon tank would do it
Have you done a video on that greenhouse?
How do you source ibc tanks that are not contaminated with harmful chemicals?
Bro please tell yours place i serch in maps please broooo
Um my Dad was a Farmer and way back in the 60a he was stopped from abstracting water from rivers on our own land by the Welsh water authorities. There's a lot of laws stopping you abstracting this free resource by authorities who make a lot of money by denying it to others even though it starts on and under their own land. The fines are enormous….
doubled in price in a year. cheap tractor supply costs $399.00
I just bought an IBC tank the kind that's white to clear color with an aluminum frame. It came with an aluminum frame. I have well water. My intent is to use this in an emergency for hurricane season. What size is the valve, can I attach something to put a water hose in it?
Do I need to add chlorine bleach to keep algae from forming? My plan is to hook it up to my house hose outlet when the pump goes off for lack if electricity during a hurricane.
Thank you for any tips. I also plan to elevate it with bricks or pallets.
Just ran across your channel Mr. Richards, amazing information! Quick, and possibly silly question. When you empty the tanks, do you empty each tank individually, or are they interconnected for drainage as well?
Hope the weather has been conducive to a great growing season! A lot of rain over here in Central New York State, US.
This was awesome. Thanks for this.
Where I am we can’t divert the water flow at all of ground water (being in a watershed we have a lot of regulations to manage it without people taking the water from others further down stream)
We’re only allowed to collect water that’s roof runoff. Can’t even divert water flow on your property without the proper permits and whatnot.
But frankly it is cloudy/rainy here 9 months out of the year ( a bit Wales/Ireland-ish). So that’s plenty of water to collect. Just need to get the barrels or tanks to store it all.
Wondering about the way you get the water from the creek. Do you need to use a pump of some sorts or does the creek generate enough pressure in the hose to actually move the water into the tanks? I have a small creek running right by my property and got interested in utilizing it.
What is the diameter of water inlet hole of this tank ?