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Greenstalk Planter:
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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
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PO Box 850
Vilonia, AR 72173
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Greenstalk Planter:
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I am so excited for spring planting! Besides my 3 raised beds from last fall, I’ve added by myself 9 in-ground, no dig beds, 25 feet long with wood mulch paths between. I have my monthly planting plans made including trellises. Thank you soooo much for all the information. I’m sure I’ll make mistakes, but not the same ones as last fall. Bless you!
can't wait for your book to come in the mail !
What do you do with the goats?
I’m one of those who think like you. I love your beginning-of-the-year (and Fall) garden planning and seed shopping videos.
Is there a link for the green tower planter?
How do you find the free garden books
Congratulations on being in the Murray McMurray Catalog of 2021
Hi Jess could you plz do an a introduction of your goats plz plz
Lovely lady, you are an inspiration!
Ooo, you just made my day! I thought I had missed the garlic window, but your words have given me hope 🙂 Very thankful to live in zone 8b!
Dig deeper under the fence where u plan to put the pen next time and pour some concrete all around it then set ur panels down into the concrete let set then cover bk up they will try to dig but will run into the concrete Ur buried then as they grown they want dig.
I feel ya. 🙂
Too bad the kids werent there. Could have had your own greased pig rodeo. LOL I know for a fact they are pure muscle. Glad you caught him.
I've been going through seed catalogs since November and I've drawn up diagrams of what I want to plant and where I want to plant it. This will be my second year gardening. I don't know if I capable of all this, but it is so much fun to dream. If I can pull off even half of my grand vision, I'll be so proud.
No way! We had an emergency septic pump New Year’s Eve as well! The rainfall has been off the charts in my area and I think that contributed to some drain field issues. I would like a break of rain but that’s a dream for MD in the winter.
Hi Jess! Glad you guys were able to catch the garlic thief. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
Good for you, keeping a stiff upper lip through the septic issue. So great to hear you seek out and find the bright spots breaking through from among the clouds.
I wanted to share some tips with a septic. I am no pro but we raised 8 kids with septics and this helped us a lot! !: once a month ( I always do mine on the 1st of every month) add a packet of yeast down every toilet you have in your home and flush. It helps with the leach bed. 2: put as much grease as you can into something and either dump it outside someplace or freeze it and put in trash. Even if I make pasta that I put a tad bit of olive oil in I drop that water out over my fence so it does not go into my septic. 3: if allowed in your state look into gray water. Hope that you septic is fixed! I know first hand what a crappy situation that can be.
After gas goes back to $5.00 a gallon we will have not so bad memory of the last few years.
Great doogie
Your husband should design a 2 or 3 sided portable pig enclosure/trap/ holding unit. With 2 people you can coral the other piglets into a corner. Bunji cord the tops and bottoms to the outside fence. They are stable enough now and in holding. Leave the pen and leave the gate 1/2 way open. Now coral the escaped piglet towards that gate. It will run inside. Once it's inside with the others, you remove the holding fence and they're all back where they belong. How this works for you.