I’m so excited to be starting the 2021 garden season!
Links in order that they were mentioned:
Seed Starting 101: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV4yju06I54&t=1226s
Shawn (Mindful Farmer) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindfulfarmerarkansas/
PNW Heirloom Seeds: https://www.instagram.com/pnw_heirloom_seed/?igshid=6viu0kab9n3t
My NEW Gardening Course (Early Bird discount thru 1/7/21): https://www.rootsandrefuge.com/product-page/growing-gardeners-with-jess-and-jill
Preorder my book: https://amzn.to/393lzZZ
T-Shirt Preorders are OPEN: https://www.b-unlimited.com/collections/roots-and-refuge
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Greenstalk Planter:
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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
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PO Box 850
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Greenstalk Planter:
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I was trying to hold out and not start seeds this year inside…BUT alas, I thank you Jess for getting me excited to get them started this year
Sorry I had to pause the episode.
Jess the wind chimes … bad backgound music (my only complaint) … Everything else you are a green thumb goddess.
Thank you for your time and help.
Jess this does not have to do with todays subject but I need to ask anyone to respond. I live in Fl and we pulled weeds and live babyshells?? etc from overgrown pond can I use this to compost and grow veggies. Thank you in advance, a newbie
I might have to look into some dwarf variety tomatoes. The grocery store tomatoes just dont cut it!
As the beardie gets older, assuming its a baby, fruits and veggies become a bit bigger part of their diet, but it probably still doesnt seem like much compared to all that you grow. That beardie will be spoiled, getting fresh stuff right from the garden!
If thou of fortune be bereft,
And thou dost find but two loaves left
To thee—sell one, and with the dole
Buy hyacinths (or zinnias) to feed thy soul.
My garden is such a mess this winter. Thanks for commiserating with us!
I know hybrids aren't as fun to grow but there are some tomato hybrids that are resistant to blight. I think you should grow a few of those so when your heirlooms are dying out your still getting tomatoes at the end of the season.
I'm watching this again, because I am fighting the itch to start seeds to soon.
Damn, Vilonia!? I knew that accent sounded familiar. I’m in West LR and live in the side of a hill in Pleasant Forest. I used a retaining wall as my raised bed garden. My pappaw always told me never plant tomatoes until after Easter. You are awesome. Hopefully me and my wife and almost two year old son can come meet you guys some day. You are awesome!!!
Thanks so much for this, Jess!
My last frost date here in Arizona is in two weeks. Is it too late to start things from seed?
I watch this when ever I think about starting seeds indoors. Lol winter sowing to the rescue
I've been doing this exact thing since Dec/Jan… building garden beds and getting them ready and then starting seeds 8-10 weeks before last frost.
I don't know if this will be helpful to anyone, but one year, I got a load of compost and it was infested with roly polies! At least that's where I believe they came from. They were decimating my bean seedlings. As soon as they emerged, they would eat them completely at ground level. I tried multiple things and was getting so frustrated. I finally used little cups around the seedlings. It worked! Not sure how, because they are in the soil and could come up right where the seed emerges from the soil, but for some reason, they left them alone. What I did was cut the bottom of the cup off and then pushed the cup carefully into the soil around the seed/seedling. The seedling emerged and grew until it was about 4 to 5 inches tall. I could then take the cup off and they left them alone. Might give it a try.
Just FYI, for anybody, my zinnias attracted groundhogs.
They loved my zinnias. So I switched to Thumbelina zinnias.
So far (3 years) none of the Thumbelina zinnias have been nibbled and lots-fewer groundhogs.
I've been planting them, so far, around a public wooden light pole.
It's all sun, all the time. Gets dry often. Was a weedy spot every year, but not now!
To start them I did amend the soil a bit and did keep the soil damp as much as possible.
They self-propagate all summer.
I need extra seeds need your help
I really need to know where you shop for your clothes.. you always look so functional, cozy, and fashionable
Bearded dragons eat 80% greens and 20% insects when they are fully grown. When they are small, it is the opposite way around.
I'm sponging up all the info , thank you so much
Can you do a video on how to save overwatered seedlings?
I started my seeds like mid March and now my zucchinis are sprouting flowers and it's still too cold to put them outside. I have them in their started cells and the leaves are turning yellow too. I am going to up size the pot but I'm wondering if it's even worth it? Our last frost date is May 1st. It is my first year and I guess I got a little too excited. What should I do?
My dad always watered his cactuses with dirty dish soapy water. Maybe the same idea
Try using an oxygen mask if it’s too hard to speak without running out of breath
So sweet…my heart blooms
I love watching your videos, the excitement in your voice reminds me of me so much, hubby thinks I'm crazy sometimes, haha! when is your birthday if you don't mind me asking? thanks!
Lol I still call them rollie pollie ollies!!!