March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Alfalfa Pellets As Fertilizer For Your Garden

Alfalfa Is The Ultimate Organic Slow Release Fertilizer! Alfalfa Pellets and Alfalfa Meal are fantastic additions to your soil amendment schedule for several reasons. An excellent source of slow-release Nitrogen, Alfalfa Pellets can boost your plant’s photosynthetic capacity and send your yields to the next level, both for indoor growing and outdoors.

In this video I’ll explain 3 reasons why Alfalfa Pellets are so beneficial for your garden, as well, I’ll show you 3 different ways to apply them so you can feed your soil to feed your plants. No need for chemical synthetic fertilizers when you have stuff like Alfalfa Pellets available!

Alfalfa Pellets Canada:
Alfalfa Pellets USA:
Alfalfa Pellets UK:

Other Organic Fertilizing Videos:

DIY Banana Peel Fertilizer:
DIY Bone Meal Fertilizer:
DIY Fertilizer From Weeds:
DIY Seaweed Fertilizer:

If growing a fall/winter or indoor garden full of delicious organic veggies for you and your family is something you’re passionate about, consider joining our Facebook Group called “Growing, Better”. We talk about everything from amendments, such as in this video, to organic pest control, and even making your own fertilizer from weeds! Everyone is welcome and its one of the fastest-growing communities online. Share, learn, GROW!:

Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for large single plant crops like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, and even Garlic! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Put that Compost to good use! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

Amazon Canada:
Amazon USA:
Amazon UK:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your garden up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

#alfalfa #organic #gardening

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Alfalfa Pellets As Fertilizer For Your Garden

  1. If growing a fall/winter or indoor garden full of delicious organic veggies for you and your family is something you're passionate about, consider joining our Facebook Group called "Growing, Better". We talk about everything from amendments, such as in this video, to organic pest control, and even making your own fertilizer from weeds! Everyone is welcome and its one of the fastest-growing communities online. Share, learn, GROW!:

    Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for large single plant crops like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, and even Garlic! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Put that Compost to good use! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

    Amazon Canada:

    Amazon USA:

    Amazon UK:

    If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your garden up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

    Amazon USA:

    Amazon Canada:

    Amazon U.K.:

  2. Living in the countty, my sources are very limited. I tried to find organic, but they had none. So, I went with the only alphalpha pellets available. It says alphalpha with something (not a chemical) but it is mostly alphalpha and what they feed horses. I hope it does the job as well.

  3. Please do a video about ‘best times to water your plants’. Morning? Evening? Not the leaves? Why? Only the soil?. I chose your videos over gobs of others. I like how you deliver the message, compared to other videos.

  4. I left my dehydrated alfalfa pellets (brand new in bag) out in the rain all winter and I opened them this Spring and they’re no longer dehydrated. They smell bad and have bugs in them. Is that a normal part of decomposition and still safe to use in the garden?

    Also thank you for this great video!

  5. Should we limit use to organic as most commercial alfalfa crops are "Roundup Ready." I have heard it said that this, or perhaps pesticides like Roundup or others used on alfalfa crops and may inhibit plant growth. This may apply to straw, commonly used as mulch, as well. Does anyone have any experience with the use of organic vs. conventional alfalfa pellets as fertilizer?

  6. Excellent video. First time I have watched one of yours and I am now a subscriber. Ref alfalfa I also heard that the meal version releases quicker into the soil. I am looking for some to purchase. Thank you. Paul (from UK)

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