March 2, 2025

VIDEO: Huge Seed Haul 2021 | MI Gardener, Rare Seeds, Territorial Seeds, John's Seeds, Siskiyou Seeds

Two Seeds Hauls! Follow me on IG if you want real time update @Acrehomestead

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Huge Seed Haul 2021 | MI Gardener, Rare Seeds, Territorial Seeds, John's Seeds, Siskiyou Seeds

  1. Just went back to watch this and had to admire your self control. I am sure that I must have seeds from at least 30 different types of tomatoes! I probably should join some 12 step program for seed hoarders. Some women have problems with buying shoes, my problem is with seeds.

  2. We are moving to Vancouver, WA in October. I am really impressed with what you have done. Our new house has a small raised beds and looking forward to starting our garden. Also do you have a link for your chip you got?

  3. I would be super excited to learn about using previous seasons harvest seeds for future growing, instead of buying seeds every year…. If that’s a thing 🙂

  4. I got Purple Ruffles Kale free from Baker Creek early this year. I only grew a few and the local bunny population loved the young leaves as much as I did!
    I did learn that pepper plants do not like to be planted out when it can still get cold at night…mine were all stunted, but I did get finally a handful of pepperoncinis and my poblanos are now finally producing in zone 7b!

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