March 22, 2025


We are currently bottle feeding 6 baby goat kids-all healthy & thriving! Here’s the magic formula to make if you can’t milk the mother. *NOTE! Some folks use up to 1 Cup Buttermilk for this recipe. It does vary! Always do what works best for you!
Thanks for watching!
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Books I Love!
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
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Items We Use For Success!
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: THRIVING Babies! HOMEMADE Baby GOAT Formula

  1. Thank you MUCH for the recipe!! I've raised dairy goats for over 40 years. To date the best replacer I've found is Advantage Kid Replacer, but the price more than doubled last year & I haven't even priced it yet this year! 2 of my does have freshened & the kids are getting mom's milk so far. But I'm thrilled with your recipe & will certainly use it as more of my does come fresh! My daughter owns a 500 head goat dairy in Northern Iowa & says the best replacer she has found is specific for Jersey calves. Very pricey, but her kids do excellent on it.

  2. I would just die from joy feeding these sweet little ones and such an amazing honor to be charged with their care.! Patara have you or would you consider putting out books, especially for beginners, on chickens, goats, etc. you have so much knowledge and unfortunately most of us dont have the privilege of having you as our neighbor. I would definitely buy them, you have such a knack for explaining things to the novice.

  3. thanks for the recipe! just fyi here the instamilk replacer you showed it about 25.00! we had 11 babies and lost 2, 1 was stillborn to new mom, however she had 2 more behind it! the other one i dont know it was 1 of twins to an experienced mom??? it happens i guess, but it hurts my heart. anyway have had to bottle feed for various reason before so good to have this recipe. thanks again and have a great day.

  4. We are bottle feeding one that was born yesterday evening. I checked on the mom around 6. Then went out back to the barn at 9 and she had triplets on the ground. Immediately noticed she had one still born. Another was really healthy and lively and the other was just laying on the ground and not moving. We immediately got the one not moving cleaned off and under a heating lamp. Mom was so overwhelmed we decided to take the weak in and get her in front of a heater. We gave her colostrum from TSC. Within a couple hours she started getting more lively and started crying for more to eat. She slept good through the night and woke up wanting more. I went out several times to check on her sister and she seems to be doing well. I’m hoping to be able to take her back out to mom and she is she will take over from here.

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