100.000 subscribers! that’s a crazy amount of people! Thank you everyone for subscribing, liking, commenting and watching. I never thought this channel would grow this fast
I wish i had something super special to celebrate the 100k with but i guess this Bok Choy time lapse will have to do. Usually you would harvest it before it flowers but i just let it go all the way.
See you again in a week!
Music: Hiding Out Downtown – Nicky Dowling
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Time Lapses, Macro and Other cool stuff
Please how to grow kiwi
I come to subscribe to YouTube after watching your video on TikTok.
what camera are you using?
Is it impossible to us to see timelapse of red spider lily?? Haha that flower is kinda rare and gorgeous
can you do one with black seeds please
There's a zombie on your lawn~~
Y’all gotta do lavender omg
Have you done any on snapdragons?
Those are my favorite flowers
That is look like pechay
it seems the flower is dancing to the music
What kind of soil do you use
I would like to see time lapse of marijuana growiing.
More videos please!
Can you do a Lettuce time lapse beacuse Ive always wanted to see how they grow also make it bloom like the Bok Choi
If you done this I will be proud of you
try planting dates
when the stalk with yellow flowers comes out, is that when you know for sure its time to take it out of the ground and harvest it?
pov: you came from tiktok
what a legend waited 62 days to make a 1:58 video he will always be remembered
I love your videos, i want to learn how to do a time lapse, how many photos did you take per day? :3
Cool. I'm gonna download this and upload it to Facebook and Instagram and get 21 mil views. Thanks for the hard work you put into these videos, this way its much easier for me to make money.
Eat it.
Please don't ever stop making these kinda vids
china symbol
Is it bitter if you let it get to the point of flowering?
FYI bok choi has the same family as cabbage & cauliflower
So as it turns out watching bak choy grow is fun…
damn it i have 40 days to go. haha