March 21, 2025

VIDEO: How to Plant Citrus Trees From Start to Finish (COMPLETE GUIDE) 🍊

Check out Cameron’s channel: Planting citrus can be tricky, as you’re locking your citrus tree in place for decades to come. This comprehensive A-Z guide will give you everything you need to know about planting a citrus tree, including citrus tree care for the first few months to a year after planting out.

0:00 – Intro
0:48 – Climate Considerations
1:48 – Location
2:20 – Planting Considerations
5:00 – Spacing and Soil
7:40 – Digging a Hole
8:55 – Fertilizing Hole
9:48 – Container Considerations
11:27 – Loosening Soil
12:50 – Removing From Pot
13:58 – Preparing Roots
17:07 – Tree Orientation
18:55 – Backfilling Hole
20:47 – Fertilizer Thoughts
21:47 – Whitewashing Tree
22:34 – Watering
23:02 – Mulching
25:12 – Removing Fruit
26:45 – After Planting Care


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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Plant Citrus Trees From Start to Finish (COMPLETE GUIDE) 🍊

  1. To dig deep in hard clay you need something called a digging bar. It is a 5-7 ft bar of solid metal with flat chisel blade at one end and a round flat disc on the other. Let the weight of the bar drive it into the ground, rock it back and forth, and they clear with a shovel or post hole digger. Does wonders on Virginia red clay.

  2. My first mistake is that I messed up and bought my citrus at Home Depot instead of one of our local nurseries in SD… Anyways, my tangelo and mandarins aren't really growing in the 3 months since I've planted them. I probably put too much Dr. EARTH'S Alfalfa fertilizer. How do I get my plants through this?

  3. I plant in pots, got a pretty pine kind of tree and is growing beautifully, I replanted it in a bigger pot, amended the soil and topped it with mulch, we have a very wet few months and notice the mulch turning a white powder on it, got no idea what is it but preventing rot and damage to the beautiful tree I removed all the mulch and topped the ground with fresh dirt. What was the white in the mulch and did I do the right thing, should I put fresh mulch or leave it as is? Help!?

  4. I'm wondering, I harvested half of my veggies and I'm going to reuse and amend the soil to plant the next crops in the fall or spring, my question is, do I have to separate the old mulch from the dirt or can I leave it as is (mixed) and plant the new crops as is?

  5. One thing i do with my dense clayey soil is dig a little deeper and put rocks in the bottom, then some sand, then put my root ball in it. Some plants that are even more prone to drowning i plant them higher and add more rocks. This helps a lot actually.

  6. i just bought a new home and want a orange tree since my parents home had one this was very informative cant wait to plant mine sometime this month

  7. Thinking about Planting 3 Citrus trees oranges and 1 pomegranate and maybe lemon. Help please……..
    Is End of july and August good time to plant in Stockton, ca Area ? If so in pots or some other form . Weather too harsh 100 plus degrees.
    First time Planting anything any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
    Everything is in this video good info.
    Just not sure about this time of year.
    And how tall a poted tree should be for good fast results.
    And should buy from home depot or go to nursery.

  8. Damn, so much waffle(bullshit). Dig a hole. Jam that sucker in the hole. Backfill, water, admire. Have many beers and urinate on it every day and enjoy the fruits of your efforts! Cheers.

  9. You asked Cam all the questions I had! Easy to understand all the steps to plant & care for a citrus. One question – do I trim branches when I plant tree? Keep a leader? Thanks for all the great info.

  10. In CA I've found clay soil amended with mulch produces the best fruit for years. I have a dwarf orange it is a navel grafted to a Valencia that is over 30 years old and gives two crops a year.

  11. Epic Gardener. This is a great timing. I planted some seeds in a 5 gal pot. There were eleven seedlings. Now, they are 5 ft tall. I have plans to put it in my front yard. How do I divide them now! Also, I'm not sure if they are combo of oranges and lemons. They have thorns. Should I just transplant them in 1 hole? Please advise. Help!

  12. Theo dõi thầy từ những video đầu tiên của thầy. Thấy hiện tại thầy thành công như vậy, đạt được nhiều thành tựu như vậy….. rất ngưỡng mộ thầy. Chúc thầy ngày càng thành công và thành đạt nhiều hơn nữa. Và thầy cũng là 1 hình mẫu, để e cố gắng và phát triển bản thân mk

  13. another thing that can be done is when you dig the hole for the new tree try to dig one place deep or drill a hole down deeper and get a 2" pvc pipe and stand that pipe up in that hole so one end is down deep in the bottom of the hole and other end is about 16" above ground. then plant the tree like normal. so the new roots will grow towards the water and when you pour water into the pipe it will water the bottom of the hole and force the new tree to grow deep roots right away instead of feeding off surface nutrients primarily and growing deep roots at a reduced rate.

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