How the legacy of our grandmothers save us.
Come along for my story.
~ Measuring Spoon Scoops:
~ Dog Hip & Joint Supplements:
~ Jar Key:
~ Secura Waffle Maker HERE:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter HERE:
~ Egg Apron $12.99 HERE:
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Cherokee Women:
~ Egnaro Wedding Bands:
Books I Love!
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~ The Chicken Health Handbook:
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Goats:
~ Keeping a Family Cow:
~ Livestock Protection Dogs:
~ The Backyard Guide to Raising Farm Animals:
Items We Use For Success!
~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:
~ Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder:
~ Vetericyn:
~ Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~ Lodge Loaf Pan:
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:
~ Kindling Cracker:
~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~ Nesting Box Blend:
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook:
~ Facebook Premium Group:
~ Instagram:
~ Blog:
~ Appalachia’s Homestead Official T-Shirts:
Thank you Patara.
I am watching this again, as I think I was supposed to. I have been having weird dreams and crying jags, that I think are stress related. I don't like meds and I am on a few, but this is really not like me at all.
Thank you for just being you, Patera. For a still young lady, you have a gentle, soaring spirit. If I were a medicine woman, I would probably say you have dove spirit.
Wow! I loved this! I have a confession…I only found your channel a few days ago and I’m binge watching your videos! (I’m the one who wrote a few chapters earlier today on one of your post pages and I promise I won’t quite write so much again)! LOL!
I’m very glad you are okay! I do think you were/are dealing with so much right now and although you love your life, due to the excitement of your move, and all the ideas you have for your new home and farm, perhaps your mind has a hard time shutting down at this time, which I’d understandable! No doubt, you are physically exhausted, too. I’m glad you took those two days just to rest! Try to do that more often.
I’ve had to laugh about the intercom/stereo system throughout your home. I loved that so much! I kept it set on my favorite FM station and had speakers in every room, including the office and laundry room! I’m amused also because now that I’m in my mid-seventies, I can say that my husband and I moved into a brand new home much like yours in the early seventies! We had four full bathrooms and each of them had “sea shell” sinks! They were all different colors, too. Our master bathroom had the blue/white double sinks and the bathroom was blue. The bedrooms all had shag carpet!
Our move came at a very stressful time, as I’d just given birth to our second baby and we moved a week before he was six weeks old, plus we had company come from C.A. to spend a week with us! I was so stressed out from our move and the two closings. (We had showed our house we were moving from when I was nine months pregnant)! Thank God I’d taken a leave of absence from teaching during the upcoming year! That was what kept me sane!
I love the photos of your grandmother’s and Anna’s! It IS AMAZING how much you look like them…one in particular! (The one wearing a hat, I think)!
I’ll continue binge reading to find out how manny baby goats you soon find! Take care!
I hear you loud and clear I lost my momma last October… she never been in my new house but I know she's watching over me. Thank you for that talk
You are not alone babe!
Menopause is terrible. We are here for you always
Saw my dad blinking and winking in a photo after he passed. Also saw his mouth moving like he was talking in the same photo about a year later. His eyes were not looking at me. He was in a lawn chair at a picnic when the pic was taken. They are def with us. Also keep the hair in a pixie kind of state; you are adorable!!!
Dear Patera I love you we all are your kindred sisters some of us are going through and some of us have already gone through what you’re experiencing it’ll pass it will get better you must believe that it will get better we love your blogs and I love watching you on my YouTube you’re an inspiration to me I am a grandma at 76 and I am having a time of my life now this is my second year I’ve put in a garden and I just love every moment it’s therapy especially specially in times like this that we’re going through that the Lord is with us and he saying be strong and courageous this too will pass away love you and your family and look forward to more of your YouTube videos God bless you and your family.
I did get to experience some of that closeness with my husbands family. His Grand mother was like a best friend. She taught me many things. And to prep. She just called it putting back for hard times. Cooking canning sewing gardening. She could just work circles around me.
She just had to remind you that you are born of generations of strong people. She wanted you to really see her not as Nanna but as a woman your same age. You already knew her And her inner strength. It was her way of showing you. You were born of the same stock and the same strength. You just had not noticed before that she was a young woman just like yourself. But you had to SEE IT AND FEEL IT. And they dealt with the threat of the Japanese coming to AMERICA. AND NUCLEAR WAR And Cold War with the Russians. At any moment. They had their scares as well. And a depression and rationing.
That was very good!
God bless you for this video it truly touched my heart!
Ms Petara, you are not alone. Speak to your MD, pray, talk to a therapist, and try a breathing exercise that we use with good effect:: inhale thru nose for 3, hold for 3, exhale for 3. Repeat for 3 repetitions. I think this will help you or anyone. Every doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, and so on, has agreed with.
Oh my so beautiful a mirror image. Please enjoy what life brings.
Your goats are the cutest.
I let my hair grow until I get mad, then I give myself a mad haircut, throw in some jell, and just let it be wild.
Eggs got freckles!?
I love what you had too say great advise & strength.
I'm like you I look in the mirror wveryday and see more of my grandmother who I loved excessively.
Wow! Thank you so much for this video! I've only been following you since mid October 2021 and each video I watch helps me feel better and better …even the ones about being prepared for the 'unknown' to come. But this one especially about Grandmothers! You have a gift to motivate. Thank you.
I believe spirits come to guide us.
Thank you for that, it was much appreciated. That touched my heart.
This was an awesome, amazing, encouraging video and message, Petara. Thank you for the reminder that who we are is who was before us. I have been fascinated lately, at age 74, with thinking about what kind of life my female predecessors here in America lived. They were from Appalachia. I was born in Missouri. I live in Central California now. The simple living roots run deep. Faith and trust in the LORD runs deep. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Ashwagandha herb with black pepper helps me tremendously with my panic / anxiety attacks …..keeping me off prescription meds.
Could that anxiety be from menopause.if not I had panic attacks for years.somebody prayed fir me and they went away.they tried to come back once and I said no you r not coming back.i have not had a problem since.
I see ghosts ALL the time. First one was when I was about 9 years old. Still see them and I'm 50+. I've seen more after I was electrocuted while flying a kite when I was 12. I had no idea how long I was out, but it seemed like hours has passed by the time I woke up. But after that I see them all the time. Some are a bit scary, but most have been just fine. And I've seen passed family members as well.
Bless you ! If it's hormones , Don't hesitate to get in balance. Your support system needs to embrace you and lift you up. We all need to be embraced from time to time . God bless