June 9, 2024

VIDEO: 5 Vegetables to Start Before Spring

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It’s hard to curb your enthusiasm at the start of the growing season. But many vegetables suffer if planted too early. Fortunately, there some crops that respond well to early planting!

In this short video we’ll share five reliable vegetables that let you get on and grow even before spring has sprung.

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Vegetables to Start Before Spring

  1. I'd sown lettuce, tomatoes, mizuna, cauliflower, spinach, all into modules indoors heated propagator. BUT the new very young shoots keep getting eaten by flies or other tiny critters. They wipe out almost everything edible except the toms & mizuna. Do you know any spray or something else that might solve the problems of veracious tiny herbivores?
    Thanks, JohnnyK.

  2. I like to direct sew my sugar snap peas in late winter, once we are out of danger of really hard frosts, but before all frost has stopped completely. My pea plants actually seem hardier/healthier if they have gone through a frost or two…and then of course we get to eat them sooner! Yum!!

  3. I planted tomatoes under a grow light and experimenting planting some tomato seeds in my hoophhouse. I’m hoping they do better than indoors. Every day I have to open hoop house in the morning because temps quickly rise to 80+

  4. Thanks for these tips – I am marching out to my Orkney greenhouse with packets of seeds right now! Trying silver-skin onions on a windowsill. But as ever with my attempts at propagating onions they just seem to grow very weedy (this happens with spring onions too). Any advice is welcome!

  5. PS My Growveg book has just arrived. It looks fantastic – and I know it will be well-thumbed over the years, so it's great to see how sturdily it is bound!

  6. We have beets and carrots in and we have cabbage, broccoli, and brussels that are doing really well. I got the potatoes in just this past weekend. Onions are set and starting almost everything else this weekend. Mostly indoors under lights for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cukes, squashes and zucchinni. Melons will start next week. Planted new blackberries today. So excited. Got some new scuppernongs planted for Valentines Day.

  7. Zone 7a here, I sowed my radishes in late fall to see if I can get them to overwinter and form bulbs in spring, also I just sowed some lettuces today. I don't have much space since my garden space is limited to like 2mx2m balcony.

  8. My first year sowing pepper plant seeds(ghost and 3 varieties of habaneros), so far so good using an Idoo 12 pod starter with grow light. Everything has germinated after 2 weeks. Also did a 72 pod Burpee seed starter kit with some flowers, mint and cayenne. Marigolds germinated in just a few days. Waiting on the Coleus, mint and snapdragons. Put cayenne in a couple days ago and they take a couple weeks to germinate. Will reload the Idoo with herbs once I transplant the peppers to 2-1/2 pots.

  9. Thanks Ben, all good advice. Here in Sacramento (9b zone) I grow my favorite radish, French Breakfast radish, year round. looking forward to a nice season tomatoes and peppers.

  10. Hello Ben! Well, I have all of that going except for the broad beans which will go into the poly tunnel today. I am also going to try salsify for the first time. Usually, I am very patient for the growing season but this year, I am champing at the bit. Bring on spring!

  11. How do you know if an indoor plant light is an actual growing light and not just coloured lighting? Any recommendations I could find on Amazon would be great. thank you

  12. Potato question: My friend grows potatoes in the desert, and the growing season finished in late January. She digs some of the larger potatoes but does not pull the totally dead plants out because she says small potatoes will grow from the roots. Is this true? Leaving the dead plants makes harvesting more potatoes difficult because you can't tell where she has already harvested.

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