June 8, 2024

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: STOP Using Peat Pots to Start Seeds – Here’s Why.

  1. I've used them for years with no issues with mold or plant health. They seem to work just fine here. Maybe the difference is the room in which they are growing?

  2. Never had a single problem with peat pots. Mine never molded. They don't break down fast, it's true. I feel if they were susceptible to mold they would break down in one season. They don't.

  3. Thank you for the vid and I'm so glad I watched this. I have mouldy peat pots in my kitchen and my asthma has been awful lately, my husband has developed a cough. Now I think the mouldy peat pots are to blame. Going to put them outside now!

  4. I used the square Jiffy seed starting pots last year, and I won't use them again. It was when I wanted to get a second growing of tomatoes and peppers. That didn't work out due to an early frost, but when I pulled the dead plants, the Jiffy pots were still virtually intact, despite having been fully buried in the soil for about 2 1/2 months.

  5. God, I am here late. All the seed I planted on these didn't germinate. I switched to red solo cups and re use the containers from plants I buy at the garden center.

  6. Yes! Thank you for this video. I experienced mold on the first few peat pots I used. Will never use them again. Now I use small Solo cups. I punch 5 holes in the bottom with a large nail, and they work great!

  7. I actually have a friend that uses peat pots and have great success with them. She tends to plant a lot of seeds, and also give away seedlings to other gardeners in the community so its a good way to pass someone a seedling without giving away an actual pot. I actually used the one she passed to me and I think it did serve its purpose for me anyway. My seedlings grew fine in them, and I had no trouble transplanting them into a larger pot once the pot broke away.

  8. I started many seeds with peat pots this year, their growth was stunted and 3/4 of them died off from disease. The remaining ones have green algea on them and are swarmed with mosquitos and gnats. I wish I started my plants in plastic pots, I used plastic ones when gifting seedlings and those seedlings grew fast and sturdy and HEALTHY. I thoroughly regret wasting money on peat pots and seeds that inevitably died due to my ignorance. I now know that next year I will grow healthy and beautiful plants ❤️ thank you for your honesty!

  9. Same thing happens with toilet rolls but a quick misting of bi-carb / baking soda diluted in water sorts that problem out instantly due to the sudden change in PH. Maybe try "treating" your pots with a misting of H202 to help prevent any already present bacteria from forming to begin with. I personally feel that plants with air-pruned roots are far more resilient and provide more nutritious produce, porous pots promote that. Quality over quantity for me thanks.

  10. I used them once, your supposed to be able to plant them right in the dirt and the roots are supposed to push through. But guess what, out of the 10 I used only 2 degraded enough to let the roots push though. They dont degrade nearly fast enough. In fact I pulled some out the next year that were still fully in tact.

  11. Don't over water peat pots, also bottom feed, i have used peat pots for ever and they work well, but i will say that they don't really work well with short term plants, also when transplanting tear the bottom off!

  12. You ever try just watering less?
    Peat pots work amazing if you are an organic grower and know their ins and outs.
    The trick to peat pots not molding is to simply water by color. Dark means wet so no watering. Once it dries to the light color like they are new it is time to water again.
    As far as the pot decomposing when planted with a healthy living soil it will be gone in no time. The big trick when planting them is to completely bury them as any exposed pieces can cause the whole pot to dry out with it's wicking action.
    I think they are well worth the learning curve of using for the lack of transplant shock and better health achieved when young from keeping you from over watering if you strictly adhere to watering by pot color.

  13. Really informative! I just began gardening this month and purchased Cowpots. I have small shrooms on the side of my pots now 😐 My seedlings look alright though. Next time, I'll invest in some quality seed trays.

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