Nasturtiums are a highly underrated plant that deserves a spot in everyone’s garden, whether you like them for the beautiful nasturtium flower, for edible uses, or want to use them as a trap crop to distract aphids and other pests from your veggie garden. I highly recommend learning how to grow nasturtium from seed this year – it’s easy!
0:00 – Intro
0:55 – Plant Overview
1:37 – Varieties
2:52 – Starting From Seed
3:34 – Soil & Fertilizer
4:29 – Sun & Watering
5:58 – Trap Crop
7:31 – Edible Uses
9:16 – Final Thoughts
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"It is hard to kill this plant!" He says…I look at two dead pots of them and say: "Yea! They are fighters! It was so had to kill them so easy.."
I've been so hooked on the climbing nasturtiums. The blossoms are sturdy and large enough they can be tempura fried with the best of 'entitled' And the moderately bigger seed pods make mucho capers..a new yum for me. Never cared for the traditional kind. Nice vid. Nothing like useful, beautiful and delicious..♡
I grew them in the Netherlands, for the salad spice up. but found they atract a lot of aphids, so started using it more as a sacrificial plant around plants that otherwise get aphids ut are not distracted. Not sure if it's our weird weather
Ever time i plant nasturtiums, i have a large outbreak of those green caterpillars that turn into white cabbage butterflies.
They’re so easy to care for and grow like crazy!! I love mine. It comes back every year
What's the name of this plant?
I love them!
Each flower if left will turn into 3 or more seeds. I have these in my garden, and need to pull seedlings and collect seeds. Thanks for teaching me to collect green tender seeds to pickle into capers. I will try this.
Got 1 growing indoors =) Took a while but it was big enough to get an outer pot last night. See how it fares
I've read that these plants are rather tolerant of water, and could be raised in shallow ponds or pots of water, does anyone have any experience with this?
EVOLVED? My imagination hit a block Mr. Kevin please you must believe The Almighty! After all the PLANTS? What plants do for humans? Sustain LIFE? Surely you're intelligent enough to look up and over the PERFECT DESIGN! You're made in His image! CREATOR, you're His creation, and you create! Don't love the creation more than the builder that designed us. He deserves more recognition and you stand without an excuse! His name is like water and as fearce as fire! Fire and water bring back life! Listen He's everywhere over and over.
On my way to get one of these pretty babies! Love your videos~ been watching a lot lately – great facts and tips, no wibbly wabbly fillers, environmentally friendly, and genuine investment into your plants <3
There are pain for butterflies laying their eggs underneath the leaves
I bought these seeds and didn't even know that they were edibe! I got the alaskan mix
When I saw flowers I didn't expect it to be edible tbh I hope it's tasty
i grow these all the time
Do you still use grow bags? Any recommendations on which brand?
You can make a tincture with vodka, and place leaves in a bottle and leave to work into the alcohol for at least two weeks, or longer. Then strain off the liquid, and use as a natural antibiotic, for, particularly bladder, or mild kidney infections. Thirty to thirty five drops in water three to four times a day, for five to six days, or even longer, if required. It doesn’t have any of the side effects of antibiotics either. You can take it for up to ten days. It can work for other infections too.
Kev, grew nasturtium from seed this year all around my garden. It's starting to produce seed and I've begun harvesting some of them. Is there a world where I can plant those very same seeds for more nasturtiums this fall (after drying them)?
I am currently growing nasturtiums and haven’t had any blooms yet. It’s been a little over a month. Any tips? It looks healthy over all. Lots of leaves but no blooms yet.
Oh, "krasse"! Yes, that's a plant many had in their gardens when I grew up – in Sweden. We thought it was so cool that we could eat them.
My Nasturtium’s Leaves are curling up.I’m really worried what do I do?
Sir, you totally forgot THE REASON why everyone should not just grow it but eat it…simply for it endless and incredible health properties. Daily consumption literally saved my mother's life and it's now saving mine. TY.
Nice big Loquat tree behind your opening shot.
spring here in south africa
planted some nasturtiums (from seed) looking forward to seeing them grow
my pets would also anjoy
i planted it in 2 neglected garden beds (1 mostly shaded and the other mostly sunny) along with other drought tolerand plants like allyssum and impatients and marigolds
I grow nasturtiums mostly because they are one of the plants that are not eaten by slugs