We are completely re-doing our berry bed so we can start from the beginning. It will all be for the better though as we can better select the best varieties for the space and reamend the soil to fix some of the soil quality issues we have going on. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: Completely Re-doing Our Berry Bed
We are completely re-doing our berry bed so we can start from the beginning. It will all be for the better though as we can better select the best varieties for the space and reamend the soil to fix some of the soil quality issues we have going on. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
Where do you buy the trifecta fertilizer?
Thanks for showing us what you do. I love the idea of having raspberries right up near the house like that. Still wrapping my mind around all the things I can do and try.
Lol @ Luke on sunlight. I share your joy to be outdoors in nice weather!
What zone are you in again? Im in zone 6 and it is mild but we still have lots of snow and the ground is still frozen (so not workable).
We are planning a berry bed and orchard (just bought a new property in Dec) We plan to clear an area and improve the soil. Should we wait until next year or can we plant in the fall?
I have fantastic luck with Nova raspberries. Novas will produce summer and fall, but will put out runners. I put in two rows of Novas, and one row of two other species. The Novas trived. The two others? Pffttt. I think your bed width is too wide. Raspberries have thorns, and pruning the rows thin is important. They will crowd out weeds if you keep them tight. I would not put them against a wall like that either, because getting to both sides is important for harvesting and pruning. I have to pick berries *daily for 5-6 weeks*. A quart per day. Convenience is extremely important with raspberries, or they will just rott on the vine. A good trellis is *key*. I use 6" x 8 foot fence posts, buried 4 feet into the ground. Imagine digging a 4 foot deep post hole after the plants are in. Not good. When producing, one must pick daily. I soak them in cold water to get the bugs out, then freeze them in plastic bags. In the winter I make jelly – its just too busy to do in summer. Raspberries are extremely maintenance free, only requiring an afternoon of attention in the spring. Weeds have no chance against these bushes.
At the end when you talked about clay soil it really helped me. Thanks!
What is going on, everyone!? What is going on??
Can you recommend a raspberry plant that produces large raspberries mine are all so tiny and small it takes me an hour to pick him and I have a little tiny bowlful. I'm in the same zone I believe as you are the spot that I have my raspberries and now is full sunshine
Great soil information!!!
I wish you the best with mixing in the blackberries. That is what we have done. However the blackberries ended up pushing out our raspberries, even though we keep them well maintained.
Now we will keep them divided to separate locations. Unless you can give me some advice.
Farmers do take care of the soil. Please talk to the agronomists and local extension in your area. Don’t pit the gardeners against the farmers. They love their soil and continue to improve their land to prevent erosion and make the soil better.
I just bought a Navaho blackberry plant yesterday. I also got a Duke blueberry plant. I'm going back to get a Blue Crop blueberry plant, as well.
You don’t understand when he says I’m gonna be in the garden all day, I felt that on a personal level. Of course I live in Michigan as well
This fall I got manure and worked it in alot before winter sense it was the first time. Then I'm going to get more and do it again in the spring
I had to get out and do some garden prep this week too, and considering yesterday was 70F I can only imagine how happy you were haha! These little breaks are always incredible
I wonder what you think about a unique situation i had happen. So, i started having morels pop up next to my mulberry bushes where i dump the ash from my fire pit.
Then i read that morels like fruit trees and previously burned land. Do you think this is coincidence? or do you think i accidentally made the perfect environment for them?
Watch Charles Dowding…cardboard, compost, wood chips in that order over any ground will feed and nurture the plants and keep out weeds. Way easier and no costs involved.
My older home has chlordane around the house. I never grow food near it's foundation.
I had to till last year, rock hard clay. But I mixed in enough mulch that it won't need it this year.
Where to get the trifecta?
Nothing beats the enticement of the first warm days after winter! Spring is coming soon…
YES…finally warm (50's) here in Idaho! Taking advantage of every degree!
Hi what will you be growing this year? Can you give ne an idea what plants can grow in upper peninsula michigan?
actually raising the pH makes soil less acidic. The lower the pH, the higher the acidity.
Would love to see how you trellis your raspberries.
FYI: Gurney's recommends not planting Purple Blackberries or Raspberries within 100 feet of Red or Gold raspberries.
As far as STRAWBERRIES GO IN SOUTHERN AZ..Not many d well there was a local that did well and one commercial variety that did good