July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Full Winter Garden Tour | Talking About Our Chicken Coop Plans | March 2021

#GardenTour #GrowingYourOwnFood #BackYardGarden #Homesteading

Thanks for watching my March garden tour. I can’t wait to see what comes of this garden!!

Follow me on Instagram @AcreHomestead

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Full Winter Garden Tour | Talking About Our Chicken Coop Plans | March 2021

  1. I can’t believe the amount of garden beds you have! You are doing an amazing job! Question: how did your tomato seeds do that you planted from seeds saved on a paper towel?

  2. After 4 years of gardening I would still consider myself an amateur!! I think your doing well considering the challenges of all those trees and little sunlight!! Keep up the good work!! Cheers!!

  3. Have you thought of growing healing plants like aloe? They don't need to be in beds but do need good sun exposure.
    Also you can put egg shells in your soil and that will help with slugs …or so I've heard…give it a try

  4. Hi Becky,
    I live in McMinnville Oregon so I’m not far from you. I agree, most online gardeners live in very different climates so it’s wonderful to have your channel. Thanks for sharing all your learning and experiences with cooking and gardening. I have a question about your brassicas. As I look at your brassica crops them seem like they don’t struggle with the white moth/cabbage moth/ cabbage worm. Do you do something special? I have put down frost cloth to keep them off but I was just wondering if maybe I just have more in my area than you do. I have bought some butterfly nets too and I’ve caught a few but I can’t be in the garden all the time. Any ideas you have would be awesome. Thanks!

  5. Thank you so much for highlighting Ruth Stout’s book and gardening technique. It may not be the best for all situations but it makes gardening possible for people who can’t perform the harder labor methods. I look for her book in used bookstores and give it to friends as gifts. I’m more of a librarian than gardener!

  6. I absolutely love your channel! You are the cutest and you are really relatable. Hey, I noticed your wood pile against your house maybe? We used to have our wood against our house but then we found these wood beetles living in the wood. I've just heard other things about keeping your wood against your house that may not be ideal. I hope this doesn't come across in a bad way 🙂 Thank you so much for all your awesome content!

  7. Hi, I’m from the UK so our climates are a little different, but my parents are keen gardeners and they scatter broken egg shells around their vegetable patch to deter slugs. Might be worth a try for you as you have access to lots of eggs with your chickens!

  8. A quick question…I am wanting to start a container garden. What do you suggest that I start with? I haven’t gardened before and only have room for some containers. Thank you.

  9. I’m watching your older videos. I just watched you planting the mushrooms and now I’m looking for the video you harvest it.
    I really like your videos.

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