Add This Beautiful Edge to Your Raised Garden Beds
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Use old garden hose.
great idea
your previous video on these cattle panel raised beds inspired me. I now have 6 in my yard, two of which still need to be filled. I made the first to cover a stump and loved it so much I keep adding more.
I like the raised bed videos.
Great video…would love to see videos on you making your soil!
Brilliant tip! I am saving this video. Thanks. Hugs
One thing I recently learned is that the roots of most veg plants go far deeper than we able to dig without breaking the fragile roots at depth.
Those who grow in straight compost filled raised beds & spend $$$ on amendments & re- mineralizing beds are wasting time & $$$ unless your compost beds are 4 ft + deep…otherwise most plants are growing down into soil anyway.
These drawings which are amost 100 yrs old are a real eye-opener.
Good edge idea/hack. I was a bit reluctant to consider the design for fear of slicing my wrists open eventhough lumber prices are now stupid.
nice idea u can use an old worn out garden hose…
also u can use the foam strings used by kids to play in the pool…
This is a " wow so intelligent" useful video. I definitely can't wait to copy your method of raised garden bed.
Thank you for that demo. I'd like to see where you got the materials for/how you made that aluminum raised bed and wonder how long it will last.
Please HELP on how to make larger rectangular forms… or Longer Ovally 2-3-4' wide??? … Square the aluminum & join cut panel corners?? ,,, Using T-posts .. maybe 16×3 beds:):) … JOY TO THE WORLD!!!
Looking forward to seeing the pallet raised bed. Thanks Mark
Very cool project and it’s definitely better than what I’m using to cover sharp edges. I’ve been using old 1/2” poly irrigation tubing that I replaced due to leaks but I think I might switch to this product and thank you for sharing.
Love what you are teaching.
Thanks for the teaching,SIR
I would like to see some more microscope stuff
It is called split loom tubing. It can be had at any industrial electronics supplier in various sizes. It looks like you are using 1. great stuff
If you can't have wood chips trucked in, can the bagged chips from Tractor Supply be used as in the original raised bed video?
How does this compare to your old wood chip/hardware cloth air pruned beds you built a few years back?
If something is made for the automotive industry it is not made for an organic garden . When the sun beats down on it it will break down the components in this plastic and whatever plastics in there I do not want to get into my soil .
Hey Mark, love your work – you inspired me to build a similar build with some cattle fencing with chicken wire added, and then I put 6" of bark around the entire edge of the raised bed and filled it with high quality soil.
I have a question though now that I see your aluminum siding: Why would one want to add aluminum siding? I thought the air-pruning effect of the bark was best/ideal? Thank you again.