March 15, 2025

VIDEO: No Digging! Grow the Best Potatoes in Straw

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Love potatoes but not so keen on the digging? There is an easy way to grow them with much less fuss and bother!

In this video, Ben demonstrates how to grow potatoes the no-dig way using a thick mulch of straw. Find out how to get a bountiful harvest with far less work!

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: No Digging! Grow the Best Potatoes in Straw

  1. I am wondering if a similar method could be used with sheep's waste fleece and daggings left over from shearing. There's only one way to find out……..

  2. Just a word of caution: If you or a close neighbor have a flock of guinea fowl the guineas are apt to kick the straw out of the way and eat the seed potatoes. I found out the hard way. Planted about half the crop traditionally, and half just under straw. Guineas got all but 2 and they'll probably be gone by tomorrow. Back to the feed/seed store for more potatoes if they aren't already sold out.

  3. I tried this last year 2021 and it was a huge lot of pain lifted off my back and knee. The potatoes seemed like they grew faster, this way they yielded a lot too. I'm in a wheelchair so this way was very easy for me. Doing it again this year will put them out this weekend I'm in zone 5b. I got my straw from Meijer's, but Walmart sells it too. I Love You Ben and All your Videos!

  4. Mine that are going in straw keep getting eaten by crickets and such. I'm trying to grow organic and that's difficult if you have a high insect population in your area

  5. I'm trying straw-grown potatoes this year. Made a chicken wire enclosure and slowly filling with straw as the plants grow. I'm SO excited to see the harvest in a few months.

  6. Thanks for this video. Can you pick your potatoes a meal at a time without destroying the plant — then do a full harvest when the plant dies back? Do you have any video on sweet potatoes?

  7. Hi Ben, another great video thank you . im looking to plant some new potatoes I no we are in august at the moment would I get a yield of potatoes if I planted some new potatoes I live in greater Manchester and not sure if the weather conditions would have a negative affect planting in august what are your thoughts on this best wishes ken

  8. Hi buddy, i need some advice please, ive been growing spuds at home in empty metal stainless steel beer kegs (well cleaned out) i used brand new compost from B & Q but my spuds have a bitter after taste, i just wandered what im doing wrong, any help you could give will be great, thanks

  9. Hi Ben,
    Im a firm believer in this method but last year my crop was poor and there was a lot of slug damage, not helpful as a proponent of no dig on a new allotment site! I'm putting it down to extraordinary heat and irregular watering. However its January202, I've bought my seed potatoes, they are chitting away nicely and I'm putting my planting date in the diary, now just to prep the plot and be patient.Happy New Year to you and your followers. Thanks for a great upbeat gardening sharing space. Happy Growing 20223.

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