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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
Music commonly used on this channel:
Sweeps –
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The Muse Maker –
David Cutter Music –
Just trying to register but get errors too many redirects. Tried multiple times no success.
Curtis. Can we pre order the book? I’m moving to a 200 year old homestead in Ontario and would Love to be able to start implementing permaculture designs onto the property
If you can buy it from anywhere other than Amazon, I'll get it. I want some good practical and physical books on permaculture. I cant afford to go across the world for major classes. Thanks for the book recommendation.
Yea man do it once do it right
Good morning , what is your elevation curtis ?
I've recently bought a new property as well. Planning on a foid forest on part of it. My nursery will take up another portion. And woodland herbs and mushrooms in the forested areas. I'm excited to get started. Your channel looks interesting so I subscribed.
I'm in Nova Scotia and many have ventured out into the permaculture space. Yet, I find many have hard leftist/marxist philosophies that they also follow. It is more about controlling how the land produces. The Avis's seem to be of a different mindset. How anyone can look at the evils of communism and control of the means of production as being helpful to the land is beyond comprehension. Especially with how millions died of starvation in Russia and Ukraine due to this insidious philosophy. That being said, there are great methods coming forth and to see tried and true successes makes me want to buy this book!
I love both their channels. Seen their release video yesterday. Can’t wait.
awesome project
Awesome. Thanks!
Government by Consent is Government for Group Identity:
1. Government by consent is only possible by sympathetic relations between governments and their subjects.
2. The cause of oppression is a lack of a sympathetic relation between governments and their subjects.
3. Sympathy between governments and their subjects is only possible by shared intentions.
4. Popular intention is expressed by support for institutions of ideology, politics, religion, culture, language, race and economics.
5. Institutions have the primary function of maintaining, uplifting and saving a group identity.
6. Group identity is freely chosen by people with shared intentions.
7. Shared intentions arise out of desire, want, need and necessity.
8. Government by consent is government for a specific group identity.
Follow this link as well.
Having a hard time registering, I've submitted email online, but confirmation link doesnt work on my phone and seems corrupted on my desktop
It appears the link is broken? I can't get to site.
To add some positive context: I lived my first eco/spiritual/intentional community starting in 1979 for 10 years. Currently, (Fast forward 42 years later!) have a Design Team of 8, consisting of myself (21 years licensed Landscaper, certified environmental designer, done habitat restorations ((riparian & wetlands)), farms, pools ((likely about 500 of just pool projects)), ponds, lakes, etc.) plus Architect, Chef/Permaculture designer ((many countries and major communities)), artist, permaculture farmer, Naturopathic Doctor ((she specializes women's health & herbal medicines)), Certified Food Producer (California), Agriculture Advisor (cattleman/regenerative ag specialist) and we design projects from raw land, working farms, homesteads, farm-to-table restaurants, etc. Many times the absence of a solid design (in trade for "let's go for the learning curve experience) can result in erosion problems, doing projects twice, structural failures and other problems. There is so much value in "learning by doing" but, to back up Curtis here, designers have their place and value….especially (in my opinion) when their design skills are grown from a building background first. Thanks as always Curtis for sharing valuable and educational content!!!!
Curtis I just watched the one hour webinar for the microgreens class but the link at the end isn't working, can you please help me get the offer from the video, thank you!
I dont see a link? Isit in comment section?
Perfect timing, getting some land for a homestead in the next few months. Pre-ordered!
Kindle price is the same as paperback; this is not reasonable so I will pass.
Shared this in my MeWe page. Hope they get a few more orders!
that will be a HUGE HOUSE!!! YIKES. I've never lived in a house half that size!!?
As of this comment I only watched up to the one minute 16 mark but with my house what I would do is actually orient the bedrooms south east or even east to promote early rising. But then Orienta the rooms for leisure more towards the west to enjoy the sunsets.
For your house are you going to build an earthship or some thing earthship style?