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Wait, aren’t we supposed to direct sow cucumbers and melons???
Don't forget to label them
Hi Jess! I'm having a hard time limiting my faves. What is getting me by is I hope to direct sow some once my frost date hits. Do you direct sow these things also for succession ?
I love alyssum and it's typically an annual here, but when we lived in the city it self seeded and came back every year, even here in zone 5, beautiful, I think I'll use your advise and plant it with my plants as a living mulch, the roots are very shallow and love partial shade so cucumbers and tomatoes will help them by keeping them cool too. I've missed them so I'm going to do this too.
You should start some asparagus from seed for when you get to your new place. I have eight sprouts right now. How is it they are easier for me to grow than lavendar?
lol… "we need to have a house …or at least have a barn."
FYI, these are the Burpee Super Seed Trays (in two sizes). You can find them at Tractor Supply or online on the Burpee site. I do not see them available on Amazon (yet)
Any good recommendations for a small greenhouse or some other way to do inside. I live in a townhouse & have a huge Balcony. Id love to grow plants from seeds. Or is there any seed that can be put in pots from seeds.
YES! I do exactly what you do when starting seeds! SO, I have 60 tomato plants in my garden with many, many more to either plant, sell, or gift.
Your seedlings look great!!!
Thank you for the fan reminder, i asked my partner if i could borrow his work out room fan, when he saw me putting it on in the conservatory/green house, he asked why i was doing this, i said "To make my plants grow strong stems" , another Jess tip! He laughed and replied "You are maing your plants exercise", so now when i need to borrow his fan, i exlain its seedling exercise time.
Symbiosis is the name for non competing life that grow on each other
I bet the large cell trays are good for those who like to overseed and then prick out.
By two year old was looking through the Baker Creek catalog with me and when we turned to the okra page she pointed out the Okinawa Pink Okra and asked for it specifically. When I told her what it was she said "yeah!" So enthusiastically I couldn't possibly say no. This is one that we share your excitement for!
I was wondering if you could start cucumbers in doors. I knew that they don’t like their roots disturbed. Thank you for the information. Also, I bought your book and I really enjoyed it. I sat down one night ….just to have a peak. Well I finally got to bed in the wee hours of the morning. I will be going back through it many times.
I separated cucumbers, peppers, and Kajari melons 10 days ago because I didn't know I probably shouldn't LOL! All are doing well. Just brings home to me to try things if it's what you want to do. Thanks for your inspiration and teaching Jess.
I start to many tomato and pepper plants every year. This year I have put a sign out in front of my shop on a busy street. Free heirloom tomato and pepper starts. One year I put out bags of surplus apples with a sign. $1 per bag and a coffee can. The neighbors thought I was nuts. Someone would steal the money. Didn’t happen. Kind of surprised everyone but me.
I watched a ton of your videos in a row – is this the one where you talk about how Alyssum has a root structure that is cool and goes around things planted there? You said check the comments to see what that's called and I'm having a hard time finding it! I would like to know other plants that are similar like that! I may have also bought 5 packages of Alyssum seeds at Lowe's today so…. I'm going to blame you for that

I love the wild geese story every time I hear it. Never stop telling it <3
I am a first time gardener starting out with tomatoes and cucumbers. I have fruit that is setting on my cucumber plants but the blossoms are wilting and falling off. Does anyone know what's causing it and what I can do to stop it from happening?
Were you talking about "root partitioning" with the alyssum? You really got my attention when you said the roots can separate to make space for other plants, so I had to look it up. My mother used to put alyssum in her flower beds every year as edging. I love the purple varieties. I think I'll have to look into using it as a living mulch, especially since it's edible too!
I loved your comments about hearing nature for the first time! I grew up with interstate 40 in the backyard . .NLR, AR, I’ve been gone from there 36 years now and living in farm country NW Iowa, I’m so glad I found your videos! I was just looking for a good video on tomato planting and your definitely the one to go to!! And I love your garden and green house ! Did you build it yourself? I would love to duplicate it! Hope your new venture to start a new farm goes well! I’ll be watching!! Much love to your family from ours!
Where do you buy the yellow and pink trays?
where do you buy your supplies I am looking for the pots you use and the markers…