July 2, 2024

VIDEO: How to Start Onion Seeds by Bulk Sowing

In this episode I will show you how to bulk sow onion seeds into containers for transplant later. We will be starting roughly 900 seeds in less than 2 square feet using 3 inch pots. Hopefully you enjoy this episode! Happy gardening. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Start Onion Seeds by Bulk Sowing

  1. I mass sowed onions directly into the garden two days ago. Today's morning dew was a little more solid than I like though. Gotta love those 80° spring days

  2. It is safe for me to core my potato plant greens after I harvest, or could any toxins from them leech into my onions underground, anybody know?

  3. Morning Luke. I have started my onions like this. Also followed your method of starting beets 3 to 5 seeds per cell. I think its a great idea! My problem is I am not sure how far apart to space each plant or cell when transplanting in garden. I also am in zone 6, zip code 14174 so I need to plant soon I think. Thanks for all your guidance. I am 70 years old and learning more every day thanks to you and Living Traditions !

  4. Hi Luke, not sure if you'll see this, but I planted my onion seeds inside and have them under a grow light. They are heavily planted like yours, but not in as deep of a container. I've noticed the leaves are starting to yellow. I fertilized them twice with a fish hydrolysate fertilizer, but I'm thinking they might just not have enough soil. Any advice on how I should proceed? The weather where I live it still too cold to plant outside, I doubt I can until mid May.

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