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what about a beautiful clematis
Just planted 5 David Austin roses. Thank you for the recommendations!
Winged beans! I LOVE them! They can be a perennial.
I love the two garden concept. I do the same thing here in north TX. Wind is my problem. That and my garden is only two years old. Takes a while to get the hang of thing! Love your channel!
Have you ever tried Kabocha? It is a Japanese pumpkin that grows a little bigger than sugar pumpkins. They are sweet and have a wonderful texture to them which has made my pumpkin breads and pies soooooo much better.
I vote for something like a mini white cucumber or Chinese long cucumber very striking when hanging from the arch
Everyday I go in my garden and I'm amazed at what has happened overnight. I can't wait to see what your garden does this year. It's such a rewarding feeling to see a seed mature to a full plant. I'm amazed every time lol. Bless you as bless us. Peace and love
Winged beans
Jess, keep forgetting to ask you but please talk to us about watering – how often, how deep, etc.
I love hearing the garden as being pregnant because I’m due any day now and I’ve enjoyed being in my garden so much!
Those great big purple beans. They were so amazing.
I need to know where you got your wildflowers sign in your glass Greenhouse! I've seen a few but none look like that one
Hey what rose is that in your garden entrance….where can I get it here??
Love the succession planting of radishes for roasting. What a great idea!
I have been watching your videos for the last year, amazing! Your work is beautiful, hopeful and awe inspiring. I also love your devotionals.
Question, you have talked about no till, but have you explained the why, and benefits of it in a video? I would love to get your perspective for the home gardener. I recently watched "kiss the ground" and everything clicked, and it was the boost I needed to convince myself and family members to go towards no till methods! Have you seen it? I then watched "treating the farm like an ecosystem", by Gabe Brown and it's amazing how science and experience is proving that God made it perfect. It's just learning to work with nature! I have been praying so much on how to spread this amazing hope and truth. You have so many followers, you could spread this amazing message of hope! Hope springs eternal!
You should do grapes on that trellis!
Edible flowers for your front trellis. Maybe Nasturtiums.
You are awesome.
Love your garden ♡♡
We are In Northern Canada Our season is super short. Your Garden is Beautiful.
Jess, your joy is intoxicating and contagious. Love it. Thank you for sharing. <3
Love. Love. Love. When you do your garden tours and showing people how you garden!!! They are so inspiring, please keep experimenting and doing your thing Jess
For your trellis you could maybe do snow peas, shell peas, small-fruited cucumbers (the pickled like kind), or even the intermediate small-fruited tomatoes, maybe?
My garden pup video bombs every single one that I do lol. Love it! Hello Bear!!
Love your vlogs and garden tours. Where do you get your bare root roses? And when would u plant them?