March 26, 2025

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: 20 Percent Of Vegetable Gardens Are Toxic? Really?

  1. G'day Everyone, thanks for hanging with me today, and if you are watching this back after the live stream thank you also! My aim is to improve my live streaming through more practice and perhaps introducing better equipment and contingencies (for things like bad weather or wind) in the future. The main thing is "having a go" or "getting into it" so I appreciate you bearing with me and I hope you'll join me next live stream which (unless something happens) will be on the same day and time next week – Thurs 9:00 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time. Cheers 🙂

  2. You could consider growing mushrooms. Not only are they incredibly healthy but their mycelium can help purify and enrich the soil. They also grow happily amongst other plants and can help cut back on weeds

  3. Good old news programs.they also tell you if there is a possibility of rain,even if it's dry as hell.then when it actually rains they remind you,like you are some sort of idiot.old school farmers know when rain is due,not meteorologists.

  4. If you container gardening and you use up or deplete the soil can you build it back up to reuse or should you just discard depleted soil and get fresh for the containers?

  5. I'm with you mark I'm just renting but I still love to plants some few vegetables in containers. so nice to grow your own. Stress relief for me. Stay blessed and to your family.

  6. We live in near Edmonton Alberta Canada it’s -38 right now, we have a hugely successful garden and feed a family of five. My sister puts in potatoes here too so she has a winter supply. I love your vlog even though we can only grow for 4 months. I have produce and preserves all year from the garden. My husband and I planted ten fruit trees this summer and wonder why we didn’t do it ten years ago when we moved in. I’m looking forward to trying your worstershire recipe with the plums. I think most people are just scared, lazy and looking for an excuse not to grow. Here’s to more vlog from you I thoroughly enjoy your perspective. You are truly an enabler! We are going t try the tomatoe tunnel this year. All best in new year. 2022 !,,

  7. G'day to all. Love ur work mark, so cheers for ur hard work. I have heard that sunflowers are good to fix up bad soil. Not sure to what extent as have never researched. Also haven't watched mainstream media for years (turns out im allergic to bullshit)….but not cow manure….go figure

  8. I paint any treated timber with cheap bitumen paint. It's cheap easy and doesn't leach. Just in case as I don't know better and takes no time and conserves the wood a little longer. Edit I paint untreated as well. Even metal if it's going to be covered with soil.

  9. I love the australian accent and you deliver great gardening videos. I think it would be hilarious is you did a steve irwin commemerative video where you approach your plant like steve would approach animals.

  10. Do you remember that before the WWII, everyone has a garden in their backyard or balcony cuz the big food store didn’t exist. The food store was the size of a corner store!! So, I think that it’s insane cuz when you cultivate in bucket, or like you, there’s not metal in!!

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