December 22, 2024

VIDEO: A big push at SHTF Farm!

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


Music in this video is by:
Sweeps –

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: A big push at SHTF Farm!

  1. The meek homesteaders shall inherit the earth!

    The truth no matter how inconvenient shall set HUMANITY free!.

    Covid is the Baby BOOMERS turning seniors Bust due to the usual suspects of seasonal FLU which leads to Pneumonia and old age.

    The first wave of BabyBoomers is 75.
    The average human lifespan is 83.
    The usual causes of death amongst our seniors is seasonal FLU and old age.

    The MASK/MARK of the BEAST is just a pretext for the 5G heavy metal vaccine, contact tracing and testing of the BEAST.

    Your not going to stop or cure the Baby BOOMER Bust.

    Climate Cycles of our water planet are continental glaciers with lower sea levels brought on by E-W Global tsunami's every 13 thousand years when we cross the Galaxies EM plane.

    Jesus loved all races because there is only one race, the HUMAN race. There is only one minority, the minority of one the individual human.

    We all came from our mothers as equals.
    We are all human.
    We are all the sum of our life's experiences teachings and circumstances.

  2. That triage thing your talking about used to be called your nursing care plan. We made a new one at the beginning of each shift on the spot during what we called report. Thirty minutes at the beginning and end of each shift. We wrote down and timed each task needed on a priority basis, then worked in the on the spot things and emergencies that always come up during each shift. Nursing school care plans, done each week, train brains to think about what is important right now, it is easy to transfer that to real life. It needs to be taught in high school, before anyone even starts their working career . All,jobs benefit by thinking about what needs to be done right now and what can wait until this afternoon or tomorrow. Housewives used to learn to manage their homes using a to do list using the same process. They Learn it automatically, just to stay sane!

  3. Curtis why is it that you use the black facing up towards the sun? Is that not hard on the plants or does it help the plants grow faster? Question, I have silage rolls brand new for hay/corn silage at my use if I so wish and wondered if I could use that on the ground crops for vegetables and such?

  4. Hey Curtis,
    Long time follower, first time caller
    Um 1 problem on our farm that I don't remember you addressing previously: We can't find insurance for product liability. America is so bloated with terrible bureaucracy we need to but can't cover our retail items for injuries sustained by eating microgreens. Stores (yes "store (s)' more than one) won't take our products without this insurance. We also produce and sell eggs, that's the end of the line with this prospect. Curtis or, anyone from the states better, WTF?

  5. a foot of rebar sticking out of the ground (to hold the scissor door down) looks really dangerous…..paint it red and put a cork on the tip or someones going to really get hurt….

  6. Liked your interview with IAF. Its really an agenda against the word and His laws.. everything that is good, society perverts it.. any topic.

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