In this Live Stream, you can ask me anything you like (within reason, of course) lol… P.S This stream is koala friendly
VIDEO: Ask SELF SUFFICIENT ME Anything (Well… Within Reason)
In this Live Stream, you can ask me anything you like (within reason, of course) lol… P.S This stream is koala friendly
Love your stories!! The garden info is a side benefit.
hes there
Hi Mark… have a look at this
Yea its kinda nice at 2.35 ish plus – how while you were setting up – the banana trees on the left were improvising with a little dance swaying and fluttering about – cool.
This video was fine. Keep rocking on my brother from another mother. Love all your videos.
I know it’s a bit late, but…….I have the same raised beds as you have, just wondered, HOW MANY PLANTING ROWS DO YOU USE ACROSS 5,6,7??
Russell Crow could not come close to you Mark !! Hello from Markham Canada !!
Spend few minutes just to watching him here n there. Should change the video title how fussy handle new camera..haha. anyway, it's good video to watch while u got lot time to waste. Thanks mike..
Alright, that's it, I'm subscribing! You are an intelligent, wise (not the same thing), kind, and appropriately confident dude! In a world that wants us to be perfect all the time on the first time, it is really great to see you calmly learn/experiment/teach with us!
Sir, Make a video about Cardamom plants.
I’ve enjoyed your videos and it helped me develop a love for gardening. I have always wondered though if perhaps you were a Christian man? I think someone who has such a love for the plants and vegetables God made for us and does so well in caring for them that perhaps you know the creator?
If you don’t I would hope you would read this about how you can know for sure that you’ll go to heaven when you die.
Jesus was more then just a man. He died on the cross to pay for our sins. There is nothing we can do to earn our way to heaven.
Ephesians 2:8-9 says “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast. If we had to do something to get to heaven then everyone there would boast of what they did to earn eternal life. However God says “our righteousness is as filthy rags to him”. We cannot earn heaven. God is just and will punish us for our crimes (sin). He does not say for the wages of sin is baptism or good works. It says for the wages of sin is death. This is why 10 out of 10 people die.
So only by death can we pay for our sins. We are all headed for hell. A earthly judge cannot dismiss your crime because you are a good person and have done good things, and God will not dismiss our sin because of our good works. There is a punishment for our sin. Jesus paid the price on the cross. That’s why he said “it is finished” the debt is paid. All we can do is receive the gift we don’t deserve. The thief on the cross didn’t do any good works, he believed on Jesus and Jesus himself said “thou shalt be in paradise with me today”. Jesus doesn’t lie. Also the Phillipian jailor asked “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” What did they answer him? Go do good works and hope you’ll have eternal life? No, they said “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and though SHALT BE SAVED. Every “religion” says you have to DO something to earn eternal life. True Christianity says everything has already been DONE for you through the finished work on the cross 2000 years ago. Jesus paid it all! I pray that if you are not saved that you would consider these truths.
Hello, I've seen videos about starting root vegetables with seed plants instead of using vegetables from the market. Will for example a potato from the market not grow as well as a seed potato?
Damn I missed it!
i love you mate but bloody hell ! that was boomerish xoxo
can I put flattened boxes cardboard at bottom of raised bed?
I'm really enjoying your channel! I'm from Alabama and just did my first in ground veggie patch from seed. This is really exciting seeing all my sprouts coming up. I saw your compost video and just started a hot compost spot. Im glad I found your channel. Thanks for sharing all the great information! Looking forward to your next live Q&A. Id like to know how you handle invasive plants. I'm battling a wisteria vine, wild blackberries, and poison ivy at the moment. Trying not to use toxic garbage controling it but I think the wisteria will have to have something to kill it before it takes over my entire yard and chokes out my fruit trees.
And yes those bird sounds are lovely. Lol you should make a sound scapes record.
Cant hear you when you walk back to the garden!
Farthead studios??
You are near epic gardening (subs)
Hello. I was watching your live stream today and I heard that you built a small dam for your water source for the ducks. For another protein resource have you ever considered adding fish like tilapia? If so why or why not? Thank you for your videos.
I'm sure you've covered this somewhere, but here's my question; for smaller container planters (for a balcony) what potting soil, compost, etc would I need. Please keep it simple because I'm brand new to this. I also live on Canada's (wet) west coast; Vancouver Island. Thanks so much.
Thank you, Mark. I’m an amateur gardener who can’t grow more that cherry tomatoes and snap peas, but I love watching how you have created an entire world of vege in your back yard. Very inspiring. And your humour and humility is so endearing. Big fan!
Your property looks beautiful and the bird and animal sounds are awesome! They sound like a jungle. I love it!
Love your videos and you. Liza
I heard Dan Andrews makes a good fertilizer, just bury him in your backyard!