In this video, I build 9 more raised garden beds to grow vegetables in but where will I put them?
Go here to get Birdies Raised Garden bed in the USA: and use SSME2020 for a 5% discount.
In Australia & New Zealand go to or and use Code SSMEbird for a 5% discount.
Plant Doctor Fertiliser: Go to and use SSM20 = “One-time” use code offering 20% off products (not shipping). Next time you shop use SSM10 = 10% off products (not shipping).
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Rolling Sifter: use Compostyng (yes with a “y”) during checkout for a 10% discount. Cheryl (a registered nurse by trade invented and hand makes these sifters).
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark #garden #gardening #homesteading
Much love bro
What material are you using…is it corrugated GI SHEET?
Where do you get all the material to fill all these raised beds?
No screen bottom ?
The gophers would eat every square in of those plants
I'd settle for just 2 of 'em Mark!!
Been planning for a bit now, thinking it's time to get stuck in.
Do they come with the cross braces or are you adding those yourself? Probably going to buy a similar number of the big beds this winter for a big garden remodel. In-ground just is too much hassle due to weed pressure in my area, only my two birdies beds I have now stay weed free!
Where to put them? You can put them in my backyard.
I will love to have some of these raised gardens.
I really like those garden beds – good one !
I share your… "cant stop until it's done" work ethic. I am getting into gardening at 57….. because its freakin' cool. Thank you for the final inspirational push to grow my own food.
We are on a 820m2 block. Do you think this is enough space to grow fruit and veg for a family of 7?
U rich bastard…them birdie thingies so expensive T.T
Can you buy those Garden beds like New Zealand..if so where..
Not flush cos of that lip on the raised ground, if you have it right against the rotten wood bit then it’s higher for your poor back to reach the veggies when they grow, thanks so much for the link too
So nice!!! Hard work but you are always happy. Thanks a lot. Greetings from the south of Chile
I see they are 30 inches tall. At this height do you have to keep your legs straight while standing to then bend forward to work in the garden?
US here. Ordered two tall 8-in-1's in late May. Got them early Aug (slow boat from AU). Ordered 4 low 8-in-1's and got them in a week. Ordered another 4 tall 8-in-1's a few days ago for early Sep delivery. Thanks for the discount Mark. Every penny helps. Just finished putting one of the low beds together. Finger tips are sore from starting all 100 of those little nuts on the screws. I will have to build a few calluses.
God bless you all. 1Corinthians15:1-4=Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are SAVED, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES; AND THAT HE WAS BURIED, AND THAT HE ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES.
Ephesian 1:13=In whom ye also TRUSTED, after that ye heard the word of truth, the GOSPEL of your SALVATION: in whom also after that ye BELIEVED, ye were SEALED with that holy Spirit of promise.
Ephesian 2:8-9=For by GRACE are ye SAVED through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of WORKS, lest any man should boast.
Romans 3:23-26=For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being JUSTIFIED FREELY by his GRACE through the REDEMPTION that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a PROPITIATION through FAITH in his BLOOD, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which BELIEVETH in Jesus. Without blood there is no life and without Jesus BLOOD no eternal life.
Look up Robert Breaker and Revelation Station on youtube.
Absolutely wish we could get the 1.2 x 2.5 ones here in Aotearoa NZ. (Scott and Gemma – Hint Hint)
you’re so inspirational
After having two back surgeries, I need to get those raised beds! I love your videos!
Holy moly that’s amazing 9 that’s a lot very busy you .
Please take care . Yes that’s a lot very hard work
Seeing Mark with his rectangular dresses is the modern version of a statue I saw. I didn’t know I needed a moving version but here we are.
I just bought and put together 7 of these so I felt your pain , lol. But buying these in the first place was all thanks to you and your videos. Like you did with some other beds I will be doing Huglecultur filling the bottom half. But anyways thanks very much for getting me to dive dive little deeper with the gardening! I love your work and think you're a bloody legend! Cheers Mark!