March 18, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Reasons Your Squash Plants Are Only Producing Male Flowers

Your squash plants, even cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, and zucchini are all capable of producing male and female flowers. But what happens when they produce only male flowers and no fruit? In this episode I will give you 5 reasons this could be happening.

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Reasons Your Squash Plants Are Only Producing Male Flowers

  1. I got gardenia last fall in a pot from Lowe's. I planted it in a bed right away. Its deep green glossy leaved survived through winter in 7b extremely well without falling or fading. But in spring it started producing lots of buds some became flowers but then the whole plant started turning yellow leaves and leaves fell and buds didnt open leaving few twigs. I put fertilizer, still not getting any better . what's wrong and how to fix? Thanks

  2. I have plenty of female starts, but they turn yellow and the flower never opens when they are small…..has been in mid to high 90s all last week, but have been doing this for a while…have large fruits as well….butternut, sugar pumpkin, buttercup, etc….I usually water everyday when this hot, especially if plant looks stressed….

  3. Awesome info. The heat has been brutal here in California. So, I have observed that the male flowers on my butternut squash appear first. Then, approximately 6-7 days later the female blossoms. Now that I understand the timing, I go out and hand pollinate as soon as possible. I do not wait for the pollinators anymore.

  4. I’ve been looking into why my butternut squash isn’t producing female flowers and it was suggested that it could be due to too much rain (in the U.K. we’ve had a lot of rain this summer). It’s def not the other reasons; temperatures are mild, the zucchini/courgette close by is producing fruit, I do have pests (slugs and snails) but even they’d be hard pressed to eat all the male flowers on the vines. I’m just watching and hoping. We are due a dryer spell over the next couple of weeks, hopefully it’s a bit warmer and hopefully the plants give me a few fruit. The tip in the comments about the q-tips, I’m off to do that right now, just in case they produce female flowers and stop producing male flowers in the future… (trusting nothing this year!)

  5. I have yellow squash? that have grown tips and maybe bottoms that are more green .. some stripped on bottom my sympathy plant and zucchini ate on different spots of my containers along my fence.

  6. Yo! first time grower here! I have 3 watermelons growing on 2 vines, one is growing on an offshute… Honestly they're all trellised off the ground and hammocked but I've been watching your channel for a long and don't know what to do past this point… What do I do?

  7. My zuccini plants are well grown for two months. But getting only male flowers. I understood the reason for not getting female flowers, I used a formula that had high content of Nitrogen. The plants grew well. …But in Toronto pests like raccoons, rabbits, squirrels and miceare a menace in my backyard as we have woods.

  8. One point you could add to your gardening videos is I cultivate or loosen the dirt around my veggies to help water or moisture get to the roots of my plants carefully , soil can get hard packed not allowing water to get down deep to the roots and it seems my plants respond to that looking better !

  9. On my way!!. Will someone please tell me why my cucumber plants are now producing more female plants which are opening before the males. The weather in the UK has been total rubbish. I am still waiting for some grow light to arrive as right now Sunshine is simply just not happening/ Oh I have 6 plants the two outside are producing nothing but lots of foliage and the 4 inside are doing so much better. One plant has 4 cucumbers growing but thats when there were just a few females and lots and lots of males. Simply don't know what happened. HELP

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