March 25, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: The TOP 5 Potato Growing Misconceptions Dispelled

  1. Plant your potatoes where you want more potatoes next year because it's impossible to get them all out! I have potatoes growing in the floor of my greenhouse because I built it over last year's spot. And I have a potato plant growing in a terrace because I filled it in with the soil from last year's potato boxes. I made a big terrace this year and filled it in with soil, so it's nice and loose. I planted my potatoes in there and expect to see them again next year.

  2. So glad I watched this. I thought when the flowers died potatoes were ready to harvest. I have been stressing as when I pulled them up last year there was nothing but little stuff. Won't make thst mistake again. Thanks

  3. I grow accidental potatoes in my hugelkuiur beds We bury our kitchen scraps in the winter so they compost themselves while nothing else is growing. Costco baking russets aren't inhibited at all from what I have seen. By the time lawn mowing season comes we compost the normal way and I haven't seen them sprout before the compost is cooked

  4. I really like your work and learned a lot, but today I need to correct you 😉 What you say about genetics of seed potatoes makes biologically no sense. The crop has the same genetic material as the seed, so if the farmer has started with a good seed, your potatoes will have the same has his seed. It’s actually not sowing but rather a cuttling. So new plants from seed potatoes are clones from their mother plant. The actual seeds would be the round fruits that develop after the flower. There is one thing though, seed potatoes should be from perfectly healthy plants to avoid to get your new plant infected. Keep up the good work! So the seed grower sells the promise to keep their mother plants healthy.

  5. I'I disagree with you completely! I' ve been growing potatoes in deep pots, and, garbage cans, with drain holes drilled in them, for over 30 years. I'm originally from Michigan! I have Never added potatoes later. Never! I get 15 to 25 lbs of potatoes from each container depending on the size of the container. They do have a larger harvest if you let them grow to 6' to 8" above the soil, then, cover it leaving, only, the top of the plant exposed, You do this 3 times. I have never had a low harvest yield.

  6. I’m waiting to see how my potatoes do this year… had a whole bunch of grocery store ones sprouting, so I just used them, the plants up top look really good, I guess I’ll see what’s going on under the soil this fall. Lol!

  7. I’m in zone 6b/7a and I just starting digging up new potatoes. I found some potatoes from last season that I forgot to plant so I’m going to give a second succession a try this year!

  8. I left last seasons volunteers sprout and grow.. never had such fine potato plants. Only volunteers too, planted none. Did leave one bed alone as the harvest of another near gleaned me but five pounds.. So what's the use I thought. Had covered each bed with straw and tarp to store in the ground over winter, sure that makes a difference.. and was very thorough when digging, still missed em'. They are doing fine too.. Better than 'any' previous crop. May have discovered a permaculture potato method.. Let the weeds which came up after the tatters to cover the soil and exposed tubers if there are any.. The potatoes still tower over the weeds in most cases. It's dense.. Will see, not lazy just worn out.. in Northern MI..

  9. I have only grown from store bought… aka the few that get lost in the pantry. I’ve had pretty good luck.
    After watching this im buying seed potato’s for 2022

  10. Hey dude, hop on the potato bucket wagon. If you try United States Plastics, you can get similar buckets to what they do in the UK. It makes harvesting easier and by growing them in a large bucket you turn into a barrel to pick out the potatoes from the dirt. You get double yield from in the ground and get to avoid the worms getting into the soil. The drawback is you are growing them in plastic and there can be leeching IMHO.

  11. Thank you for this very informative video! This is my first year growing potatoes. It's been very confusing with the mixed information I was getting online. I'm glad to know I don't have to keep mounding my potatoes anymore for the season!

  12. Sorry but as a potato breeder there are determinate and indeterminate potatoes though the ones you buy in the supermarket or seed potatoes are determinate. That said, indeterminate potatoes don't grow and produce like indeterminate tomatoes so there is no advantage to most backyard or commercial growers to growing them.

  13. FYI : commercial sprout inhibitors do wear off over time. If you put the potato in a cool, dark place and let them chit first, they will do just fine in the garden. I have done it many, many times and gotten great harvests.

  14. I tried the potato bag, hiling with Nicola potatos 2 years ago. I had never been so disappointed in my life! I'm trying again this year, but I'm not going to bother hilling everytime the tops grow.

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