March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Morning Coffee in the Garden (19 Days Left) | VLOG

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Morning Coffee in the Garden (19 Days Left) | VLOG

  1. We get other kinds of orb weavers besides the "banana" spider… we get the golden orb weavers here in middle Georgia. Their threads are literally gold spun! Quite beautiful!

  2. I grew tomatoes this year (container variety from Walmart) and when they were ripe the skin was really tough to even cut through. What could cause that?

  3. I completely understand what your going through. I was raised on Marine Corps bases and moved a lot. I also just recently went through hopefully our final major move Monday before the 4th of July.

  4. I love my spiders. I try not to kill any bugs in my garden unless they are causing an immediate issue with my plants. I unfortunately have a lot of aunts which bring aphids but I am hoping the aphids will bring some more lady bugs because. the aphids are infesting the "weeds" that i left in the garden and have mostly left my vegetables alone so I figured it didn't hurt to leave them.

  5. We grow a tiny tomato variety called Mexico Midget. We eat them off the plant as snacks, but I also cut them in half and put them in the dehydrator. They’re awesome on salads or tacos. They are perfectly crunch (like a crouton) and the tomato flavor is still so intense.

  6. I love my garden, it's beautiful and would love to enjoy it at all cost, whether it's 75 or 108 degrees, what I can't handle are the damn mosquitoes, what do you do to keep them away?

  7. Hi ! I’m two weeks in the future from this video and it is so nice to see you building something new ♥️ just think you did this on hardly no budget I can’t wait to see what the new farm is gonna look like. Ohh I’m so excited for y’all today ♥️♥️ bless you

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