September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Why Aren't My Tomatoes Fruiting? 🍅The Definitive Guide 🍅

Tomatoes are usually reliable, heavy croppers, but occasionally it can seem like they just can’t be bothered! So what can you do about it?

In this video, Ben explains exactly what causes fruiting problems and demonstrates easy yet ingenious ways to persuade your tomatoes to produce lots – and lots – of those irresistible fruits.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why Aren't My Tomatoes Fruiting? 🍅The Definitive Guide 🍅

  1. I have many beautiful plants and green tomatoes but they aren’t ripening. What’s up? They get plenty of sun. I’ve taken to picking them green and then ripening them in a dark space. Seems to work well.

  2. Please can you share liquid name? On my one plant I saw tomatoes. Three weeks but didn’t ripe yet. Still on green color. Any suggestions? Others plant tomatoes tiny size.

  3. I’ve had very poor set in my greenhouse, about 5 tomatoes in all, but outside all tomatoes were doing fabulously well, lots of trusses, now overnight every outside plant has blight. No tomatoes this year!

  4. Great video. Confirmed some of my suspicions! My tomatoes have stopped growing 🙁 a lot of the flowers have shrivelled up. Think it’s due to magnesium deficiency from over feeding and heat. Given them a little Epsom salt and hoping for cooler weather! Will they bounce back do you think?

  5. My tomatoes are in mini greenhouses which I have been zipping up at night. Watching this I’m thinking maybe that is a mistake and maybe I should even remove the covers? I’m in Devon UK.

  6. The first crop did well. I may have planted too many for the space but trying to wait until the fruit matures to decide. The heat and humidity is killing me. Was delighted to hear your suggestion to remove the lower leaves was OK…they look weak but still producing.

  7. I learned so much from your video. My tomato plants have plenty of flowers, but no tomatoes. I picked one lonely Roma tomato about 1-1/2 months ago. I have 2 plants in a raised garden bed with good quality organic soil, but I have not fed them. Also, I'm in the Inland Empire of Southern California – very, very hot summers with plenty of sun. I'm going to fertilizer them, shake them and hope for the best. Thank you for this helpful video.

  8. Plant big and leafy but just started to produce flowers. Hopefully I will get tomatoes but running out of time?
    Next time I will try cherry tomatoes.
    This year tried Ace tomato on recommendation.

  9. I love your videos! Keep them coming! I live in the high desert and we've have consistent temperatures over 95 degrees with many over 100 for about 6 weeks straight. In previous years I lost my tomato plants in the month of July but this year I added shade cloth and it's made all the difference! Two plants are producing more than I got from six plants last year!

  10. Hi Ben, I've got about 9 determinate dwarfs growing in pots and three indeterminates growing in an extra thick grow bag with the bottomless pot method, only recently populated in my mini greenhouse. No idea on feeding; mainly WHEN to feed.

    On the back of the Tomorite bottle it says for bags in a greenhouse, 4.5 litres of feed twice a week but they've only just gone in and the roots will still be in the pots. It also says, "when second truss has SET". What exactly does SET mean? Can't seem to find that anywhere. It's only my first year growing tomato plants, it's been booming along so far, doing extremely well. My determinates are full of tiny flowers coming on (couple started to produce mini tomatoes already) and the indeterminates are also booming along.

    I'm down in the southwest (Devon) 🙂

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