March 27, 2025

VIDEO: We have a HOUSE! | Moving Roots and Refuge VLOG

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: We have a HOUSE! | Moving Roots and Refuge VLOG

  1. I really enjoyed seeing you get your home. I know how excited I was to get our FEMA trailer in 2016 after the flood. It was so good to be able to live on our property while our home was being repaired. This was my first time looking at your video. It was so relaxing, I have to subscribe. Enjoy your move and new adventure.

  2. How did you begin teaching your kids what you said with them putting their hand on you when they have something to say but so that they’re not interrupting another conversation? I have a 3 year old that I’d like to start teaching this to. I want him to always feel heard by me, but I do want him to learn not to interrupt if I’m in another conversation.

  3. Hi hope you are well … so happy for you s love your house wow its blow ing my mind how they do your house house is hight up a lot house I can't what to see your garden… spring is by us planting starts for me bottling … from south Africa… love your house house but my kitchen needs so much to be done nothing is done sad

  4. The friends and neighbors welcome made me cry. Wonderful reception. You chose a great community. Yahoo! Great to see the kids learning thru the whole adventure too – they know you care about and plan for their future.

  5. Was there any specific guide you had in choosing your modular home? I'm in the Midwest, and we need to move but I think maybe modular/mobile home may be something that may work. We have no idea where to find out what's best. Any tips we'd greatly appreciate it!
    God bless, JR

  6. Your neighbors sound great. This is such an exciting time! Your happiness is just pouring out of all the smiles and giggles. Jess you have handled this all so well. I know there's alot that doesn't get shown but your family works really well together. Glad y'all moved closer so I can come check out your learning center when its up and running.

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