March 26, 2025

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: HUGE Mid Summer Harvest Tour!

  1. For those wanting the quick pickle recipe it's easy peasy:
    2 cups white vinegar
    2 tbs. salt
    2 tbs. sugar
    1/2 cup water
    1 tsp whole peppercorns
    6 dill sprigs
    3 cloves garlic

    Throw your cucumbers in the brine and let it sit in the fridge at least overnight or 3 days for best results… if you can wait that long.

  2. Cool to see how your plants look kinda like mine by mid season . . . pepper plants falling over, some zuchinnis not looking so hot etc. It's reassuring that I'm not doing something totally wrong! And nice peaches!

  3. Hello everyone, I’ve made a comment about my tomatoes not ripening and they have started to ripen recently but I’ve noticed another thing. My beefstake tomatoes when ripe have what looks like rotting right where the tomato stem meets with the plant itself. Is this a fixable issue?
    Also, my peppers haven’t been growing very fast and not really seeming to get full sized. They also haven’t been ripening ( probably due to being too small). Is this also something that can be fixed?

  4. My marketmore had a bit of bitter skin last year. Inconsistent watering I’m guessing. This year I’m growing silver slicer and salt and pepper and they are blowing the marketmore out of the water. Even when over ripe they taste delicious!

  5. It is amazing that you have gotten that much yield from your cucumber plants, especially with all the rain! Mine are not yet producing but are flowering like crazy! I suspect they will be like my bean plants where one day they are not there and the next day you have 10.

  6. Mr. Luke! I have a video request regarding pest control focusing on keeping rats and the like at bay.
    I recently had a BUMPER crop of maturing (climbing) pickle cruc’s, only to find a few days later that the whole lot of it was eaten down by the rodent population. I now have traps all over the place, and so far it’s helping significantly.
    How do I keep this from happening in the future?
    Thank you, and I ADORE your videos! They have helped me no end!

  7. Luke, is there somewhere I can send my pictures of my garden to show my success I've had with MIgardener seeds? I think it would be cool to do a video of subscribers who follow your methods, what seeds did the best for their areas. I have been watching you and following a lot of your advice for 3 out of the 4 years that i have been gardening and I feel extremely blessed to have found your channel. BTW I live in DeWitt, a little suburb of Lansing. Thank you for all of your informative content.

  8. Hail usually comes in the early season. My garden was shredded earlier this year down to the stem… twice. I mended them with Epsom salts and the foliage came back ten fold in the matter of weeks. You can visibly see a difference the next day. I wouldn't recommend it for any other use other then major damage to your foliage. Epsom salts added too late in the year can hurt more then help.

  9. Wow that’s a lot of cucumber. I lost 3 vines and 2 zucchini to cucumber beetle. 2 plants each remain. Will see how much I will get from those.

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